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The review site for Read To Succeed, James Hamilton Academy's S1 / S2 reading programme
I have recently a read a book called angel dancer by Hendry Frances Mary.
the book was about two girls that are sisters that live in a rough estate in glasgow. The yongest sister has always wanted to do ballet so for her christmas present her mum and dad pay for lessons. They go and see the nutcraker which inspires the other sister to go. When the older sister gets there she really enjoys it but her mum and dad dont have enough to pay for both of them to go, so the youngest girl gives up and the oldest starts a paper round. she starts to get really good and is in the higest level you can get. she ends up getting really bad pains in her ancles but doesnt tell anyone as she has a big show coming up and she doesnt want to miss it as people from a relly big school are coming to watch and are offering scholarships. She goes on stage and does her solo routine beautifully and gets the best round of a plause out of the full show. Thiugh tradigy strikes adn she comes of the stage and is rushed onto a streacher. Her mum didnt know a thing as she sat and enjoyed the rest of the show until she came out and seen the ballet teacher crying. The teacher expalains and the girls mum, dad and younger sister all rush to the hospital. The secret is then revield that she had went to a doctor but not her usual doctor gave them a random name and a random address and she was told that she had damaged all the bones in her ancle and the doctor had told her she couldnt dance for so many years. She ignored the doctor warning and continued to do point which puts all yhoor weight on your ankles. when she came off the stage all her bonnes had crumbled.
the sadest thing was she could never dance again and a week later she got a letter saying she had a scholarship for the big ballet school in london.
The thing that really made me enjoy this book is that i dance and this is about real life things that can happen. i would recomend this book to mostly girls even if they didnt dance.
I have read a book called Mates,Dates & sole survivors by Cathy Hopkins.
This book was about three girls that stayed in Wales. There names are Lucy , Izzie and Stephanie. Lucy is the youngest she is sixteen and Izzie and Stephanie are seventeen. Lucy's mum and dad had split up and left Lucy heartbroken she went into care because her mum was not well.
All of them where in love with this one boy TJ. But wonder what girl will get him , fallen out with your bestfriends over a boy is pathetic. Friends should always come first well is that what they think ?
This would be a good book for girls at my age because its not all about the same thing or the same person and its telling you that dont fall out with your friends over other people and boys.
Its also a good book because it shows how strong friendship can be.
by Shannon Marshall
I have just read a book called DOG
it is by Daniel Pennac.
It is about a dog who has a big weird life. He goes through alot of things like he nearly drown at birth because a big hand comes and grabbs him from is home and his mother. He gets duncked in a freezing river. it can be rilareously funny , heart breaking sad and a bit scary at times. He use to live in a dump, but then he meets a dog which tells him to find a misstress. So he goes and trys tofind a lady he looks easy to traine. he finds a butcher but , he judged him. He thought the butcher was going to be fierce, but he is wrong. The butcher is a kind animal loving person. Dog thinks he is a master not a maddam so he leaves the buther and goes off to find a madam agien. But he gets caught by the dog catchers. So he is in a sell and is nearly going to get killed but then when he has moved th the last cage there are three people walking in looking for a dog. And guess what rhe little girl picked him. Her mum and dad were saying why that ugly one. The girls name is plumb and she loves her dog and you'll never guess what she called him ......???
I think people who love animals should read this book because it is all about a Dog's life!!
By Carley Hall
I have recently read a book called Young Bond Silverfin the graphic novel. The Book version was written by Charlie Higsonand has been turned into a graphic novel by him and Kev Walker.It is about James Bond When he is a young boy and goes to a prestiges school in london,James goes to visit his Aunt charmain in a village in Scotland but when a boy disappears in near by Loch Silverfin James goes looking for him with his new found freind Red Kelly he expereinces things that change his life for ever.
I think you should read this Book because they have managed to fit the whole story in but they have kept it short. by Josh Aitken
I have recently read a book called the bare bum gang.
The book was about four boys that had rivals and they chalanged them to game of football but they were no good at football. One of the boys sisters wanted to be in the gang but they didn't let her she went in and told her mum that they wouldn't let her in and she said that is not up to me it is just up to the boys so they went to play the big game and the girl went down to watch and she was ready to play the game but the boys didn't want her to play so she just went down her self as a sub but one of the players pull out and they need her to play.
If you like football you should read this book because it is mainly about football.
I have recently read a book called Spy Girl The dark side of Midnight by Carol Hedges.
The book is about a girl called Jasmin who daydreams about being a spy and having a gun and saving the world. When shes not daydreaming she is eating. Jazmins mum is a real spy who ends up getting kidnapped on a mission in Prague. Jazmin gets sent there to give her mum a new communication gadget. Jazmins mum is kidnapped by scientists who have stolen a body and are trying to make it live again. When it does come alive it kills alot of people so Jazmin has to put a stop to it before it leaves Prague...
I would recommend this to girls who like action because theres alot in it.
I have recently read a book called diary of a crush by Sarra Manning.
The book was about a girl called Edie and a boy called Dylan who were going out but then they broke up and Dylan started going out with a girl who was French her name was Veronique.Her brothers name was Carter and he was really annoing.Then Edie and Carter started going out and Dylan was jealous but Carter kept saying they werent going out.Then they went to a festevel.The 2nd day they were there Edie and Carter broke up because Carter said he was only going out with her so she wouldnt think about Dylan all the time.The next day Dylan and Edie went for a walk together beacuse Dylan and Veronique had broke up as well.When they had walked for like 10 inutes they sat down undre a tree and talked about why they had broke up and then they began to kiss and then the got back together again.When they got back nto the tent Veronique startde to fight with Edie because she was going back out with Dylan.The next day Edie ran away to a hotel and Dylan ran after her.
I would recomand girls to read this book because it is very interesting.
I recently read a book called Lord of the rings Fellowship of the rings and really enjoyed the authers name is J.R.R. Tolken and he wrote alot of lord of the rings books six series and they are really big books.
This book is about a boy named Frodo Baggins and he is introdused to Sam Gambgi by a big grey bearded man named Gandalf the Grey.
One day he had to leave the village because he was being chased by Nasguls and the reason they were chasing him is because he has the ring and they want it he also meets a strange creature named Golom and used to be a real peerson but he was changed into a beast. If you have seen the films you should still read the books because they are great adventure stories Aragorn sounds really cool in the book. The book is made for all ages and even aduldts would enjoy the book.
Conner Fraser
I have just read a book called Zara by Mary Hooper.
It is about a girl called Ella who's best friend Zara comes up with a plan to get them notied by pretending to be psychic. Ella is keen to hep her out, but as time goes on Ella starts to wounder if Zara really is psychic.
But will Zara take it to far and ruin their friendship.
I would encourage people to read this book as it is about a friendship of two very different girls that would love to be popular.
by Michaela Mcclelland
I recentley read a book called the new avengers by Bendis Mcniven Deodaot i like this book because it is an action book obout a few friends that get together to defeat the bad guys but MI5 thinks they are the bad guys. so they try to save them from a giant meteor coming towards the earth.
ben fraser 1p6
My book is called Beware Killer Tomatoes!
The book was by Jeremy Strong!
"who new tomatoes could be so DANGEROUS". There is a boy called Jack and he is in big trouble with police, he knows it. Not only is he in hospital (boring) but he has broken every bone in his body!
He is in hospital because of a tomatoe related incident! "My life lies in ruins and my leg lies in plaster!"
I think people who like adventure danger and excitment would like this book!
By Carley hall 1p6
My book is Goal 2 living the dream,
written by Martin Tyler.it was about a player called Santiago Munez who was born Los Angeles and played football all day,he played for a junior team in his town and was spotted by a ex-newcastle player called Glen Foy and Glen sends him to newcastle for a trial after coming through the ranks at newcastle he became friends with a player called Gavin Harris and Gavin transfers to Real Madrid for 5 million.After an outstanding game against Liverpool Santiago follows him to Madrid in goal 2 and sanntiago starts on the bench alot then gets injured then finds his long lost brother in madrid and santiago gets arrested fur punchin a paparazii. Santiago starts on the bench in the UEFA Champions League Final and Gavin starts with Robinho. Madrid go 2-0 down to arsenal in the first half though Santiago comes on at half-time and him and Gavin play upfront and Gavin scores then Santiago scores and then David Beckham scores in the last minute to win madrid the trophy.
by christopher hamilton
I have just been reading a book called MISSING PERSONS by M.E. Rabb
The booki is about two girls called Sophie and Samantha. Latly their mum has died and their dad too. Before their dad died he married a women named Enid. The girls run away too Indiana with $13000 and start a new life. The girls have found an amazing talent..... they find missing people! The girls are on the case with a man missing named Nolle!
I like the book because it is full of mysterie and adventure! I think people who like adventures should read it!
by Carley Hall 1p6
My book is named Missing Persons by the author M.E. Rabb.
this book was about two girls named Sam and Jullie and a boy named Randy.They were all living in America.
They were bestfriends until the two girls went into 5th year because new girls came to the school and Sam went away with them. Randy was a close friend to both of them but when they went into 5th year he went missing because him and Sam and the new girls that came to the school where planning to meet each another at 10 oclock at the beach so they did and Randy went missing but the new girls had left Sam looking for Randy herself , Sam was starting to feel leftout but it own fault that she came apart from Jullie.
They never seemed to find Randy.
This book was good to read and people my age would like it because it is to teach teenagers to stay with there bestfriends they always been friends with.
By Shannon Marshall IP6
I have just read a book called Dog by Daniel Pennac.
The book is about a dog who is nearly drowned at birth. He lives in a dumpyard. He gets taken to the dog-pound and on the third day a girl called Plum takes him home with her after awhile she forgets about him so dog runs away after a few days he goes back. A few weeks after dog goes back they go on holiday on one of their stops someone takes dog away but does he find his way back.
If your are intrested in dogs then you should read this book.
Michaela Mcllelland 1p6
I have recently read a book called after the flood it was about a hurricane in a place called stand mountins and they had to live after the flood and about how they survived the flood and the boy helped his mum survive the flood.
They had to go up to the top floor of the house and take food up and the water was up too their knees.
Christopher Hamilton.
I have recently read a book called cirque du freak by Darren Shan.
Cirque du freak is the first book in the Darren Shan saga. it is about a boy called Darren Shan who goes to a freak show with his friend steve. Darren steals one of the freak's spider and it bites steve, to save steve from the poison he has to become a vampires assistant and make himself half vampire.He has to fake his death and leave all his family and freinds behind.
This is a good book and I am definetily going to read the rest of the sereis. by Josh AITKEN
I have recently read a book called midsummermeltdown by Cathy Hopkings.
The book is about a girl called Lia. Her mum always celebrates birthdays and thing like that but its her own birthday and she doesnt want to celebrate it. Lia is very surprised so hear and her dad set a party for her but its not near her home infact its in Morocco. The reason its in morocco is because thats whare her mum and dad meat.When everything was planned Lia was to invite her friends but her boyfriend was supposed to go but he was in an accident and was in hospital. After hearing about Squidge Lia didnt want to go but she knew she had to or it sould ruin the surprise so she went but when came home she thought something was wrong with squidge herr boyfriend but was there ?to find ou read the book you will really enjoy it. It is a really good book.
Emma Morgan
I've recently read Point Blanc by Anthony Horowits.
It is the second in the series of Alex Rider books and is much better than the first book. In the alps and being a fake rich punk, life doesn't get any better than that.
A book filled with double gangers, skies and a few trains Alex has got to step up his game.
this book is recomended with five out of five stars for it's action pact chapters.
by Robbie Howard
The book i have just read is called Football fashion and it is about a cup final and foxbourgh and hallwell is in the final and if you want to find out what the score is then u need to find the book in the library.
conner fraser
My book is called The Magic Watering Can by Enid Blyton.
This book was about a pixie whos garden had to get watered but he was to lazy to do it. So he went to the spell shop but no one was in, so he went in and read all the labels and went to the label that said watering cans. He opened the drawer and took the spell and ran back to his cottage and put the spell into his watering can. he said water water dont you stop. So the watering can watered all his plants and vegtables. Then it went into his house and flooded. That what the pixie gets.
By Cassandra Reid
I have just read a book called The pony club rider.
The book is about a girl called Sally who loves horses. There's a horse compatition called the one day event and Sally gets picked for the team but her dog falls ill on the same day.
I enjoyed this book because it is about animals. I think people who like animals would like it.
By Michaela Mcclelland.
I read a book called WITNESS. It was by an author called Anne Cassidy.
The boy in the book is called Todd. Todd is late for every thing in life. Then one day he is late for school and his life changes forever.
He wittnesses a vicious robbery - and recognises the attacker. Todd knows exactly what he must do, but events conspire agienst him...
I really enjoyed this book because i like mysery stories and i think pepole who like mystery and scary stories would like this.
By Carley Hall.
I have read a book called does anyone evr listen ? by Rosie Rushton.
The book was about a girl that was
called Rose and was always with her friends but they all seemed to leave her out, so she decided to go and find new friends so she did but then her mum and dad started to not care about Rose , Rose was a teenager she felt like giving her life up as noone wanted to talk to her but she hadnt done anything for noone to not talk to her or not to like her, she finally made new friends when she moved to her grans house over in America.
I enjoyed this book because it shows you how much friends and family really mean to you.
Shannon Marshall 1P6
my book is about a horrid boy called Henry he gets sent to bed and he goes crasey and demands some spaghetti but his dad ses no and henry turns into a elephant.
ben fraser
A book i have recently read and found quite good is called confusion and catastrophe by Margret Ryan.
This book is about a girl called Abby who is 12 and her mum and dad split up when her mum was pregnant,so her mum went and stayed wither Abbys gran.Abbys gran is a verry caring woman because any little stray animals she sees she takes them in and makes a house for them out the back garden.Her gran has a lot of animals that were stray or in danger or injured so she made a home for them out her back garden and all the animals she saves or takes in she puts them in there or if there injured she puts them m in the care area and takes care of them untill there better and then she lets them in with the others.
This boiok is a verry good book and it is verry interesting people should read ti because they would find it interesting and good so thats why i think people should read it.
By Emma Morgan
I read a book called Sooty noses. By Enid Byton. It was about a teacher who had a office with a lot of jam and cheese, but one day someone in her class had trashed her office and ate all of her jam and cheese. So she all her class go outside and sniff a lilly. When she called them all back in she looked at there noses to see if any of them had a black nose. A boy called James had a black nose so the teacher made him tidy her office and buy her hunderds of jam and cheese. I enjoyed this book a lot and would recimend it to all of my friends and my mum, dad and my little sister Ainsley.
By Cassandra Reid.
I have recently read abook called trick of the mind by Judy Waite. It is about two people called Matt and Erin both don`t fit in with the gang.both wants someone to notice them forMatt its Kirsty and for Erin it`s Matt both hope it will work out but it can`t work out for both of them. the two form a friend ship but who will get their way? Will anyone get their way? You`ll have to read it to find out.
This book was great and anyone who likes this type of story should read it. I loved this book and could hardly ever put it down
by Ashley Smith
The book i have recently read was cool.The book is about a young boy called Robbie who got knocked down and is in a coma and he thinks this he is in a dream and cant wake up. His mum and dad are very upset and tryed everything to get him to wake up but nothing works.
Daniel Dixon
I have just read a book called ghost stories by lots of authors.
There are lots of stories in it but my best one is "watching over you". It is about a girl who has moved in to new house and the next door Neighbours are very freaky.
The little girl they have is 3 and has an imagenary freiend. The gir who is speaking in the story is always watching the little girl "Tamsin" playing in her backyard. One day the gate to the cannal opens and it looks like the little girl is getting pulled in to it and the girl who is always watching Tamsin tries to save her and she succeed's and Tamsins mother says thank-You alot of times.
I think people who like scary stories would like "Ghost Stories".
By Carley Hall.
I HAve just read a book called Twilight.
The book is about a girl who has moved in with her dad in a whole new town. There is a boy she really likes but little does she no he is a vampire! When the boy Edward asks her out she says yes and then he tells her he is a vampire. Bella is not scared but she wories somthing will happen to her. When Edward takes her to his house there is a new vampire and he likes the smell of her blood but controls his self.
When Edward takes Bella to play cricket with his family other vampires come and one of them goes after Bella and Edward has to hide her !
will the vampire get bella or will bella get away? You will have to read to find out.
I think people who like adventure will like this book.
By Carley Hall.
I have recently read a book called Blackout by Cris Ryan.
This book was brillent because it was a fast pace action packed book with lots of reading in it. I would severly reccomend this if you are a boy not the best type of book for a girl. In the book there is a man called Josh who is hunting a terriost called Azim but in an attempt to kill him he told to wait for the order with a free shot.
He later wakes up in a ditch with two bullet holes in him ,one in his shin and one in his neck. he cant even remember his name.
by Steven Muir 1P6
The book I have been reading is called the kidnappers.The pier came to an end in a sheer drop of slimy wall.Walking down towards them were the two men and zic.they were trapped!
Jason and steve know that something is up with their friends zic. then zic disappears, all involved.
by kieran heaney
A book i have recently read and found interesting is White lies by Cathy Hopkins.
This book is about a girl called cat who is in a relationship with a boy called Squidge but she meat this other boy Ollie but she kissed him and not told any one yet because shes still not broke up with Squidge yet and her friend Becca also likes Ollie so she has a problem but will she fiond her way out ? will she break up with Squidge and go out with Ollie ? well read it and youll see
by Emma Morgan !.
The book I have recently read was Crocodiles and Alligators. This book is about all the facts about Crocodiles and Alligators like how the are born and what type of speices an drecords
By Daniel Dioxn
The book i choose to read was peter pan! i like this book because it made me chuckle and it was full of adventures it was about a boy called pater pan and he never grew up he just stayed as a boy forever! he had an enimy called captin hoot whom was a piret ! they fight alot.
by clare murphy :).
The book i have recently read was The Shark project book. This book has loads of info on Whale sharks, How sharks find there prey, What food they eat and loads of info on lemon sharks and sand tiger sharks and shark reproduction and baby sharks
By Daniel Dixon
Abook I have recently read was called Survival by Chirs Ryan
The book is a firt of a big series about a group of children who call themself Alpha Force. The book starts off on a trip in the middle of the carribean where the group get into all sorts of trouble including fightin death and modern day pirates .
by Steven Muir 1P6. :)
I have recently read a book called New Moon.
It is about vampiers.
there is a girl called Bella and a vampire called Edward.
They are in love. But then balla's friend Jacub interfiers with her because Edward goes away . Bella finds out that jacub is a wolf. Edward finds out and then wants to kill himself. but then edward proposes and ?????????
If you want to find out the restyou have to read the book.
By Carley Hall. :)
I have recently read a book called
In Mamima there are lots of abba songs.
It is about a girl who is getting married but she invites 3 of the men her mum loved and she wants to find out which one her real father is.
Her mum finds out because shophie hides hem in the farm.
Her mum loves real dad agien and then shophie finds out who he is.
Shophie thinks about who she wants to marry and guess what .....?
but who is her father?????
If you want to find out rhen read the book.
By Carley Hall
The book i have recently read was Match Annual 2010.This book is about the worlds biggest stars,Great moments of the year, Quizzes, Cool player posters, World dream team, Crazy stories,10 things we like about fernando torres,Record breakers and caught on camera.
By Daniel Dixon
This book is called Millions by Frank Cottrell boyce
This book is about robbers that rob a bank and there getting chased to cops and they hade to get rid of the money so 2 of them went onto a train and threw the bags on money out to there pals while the train was moving but 1 of the bags were threw out at the wrong place and to boys Damian and anthony found it and it containd Millions of money so they keeped it a sercert from everone but the younger boy wanted to share it and the ohter wanted to keep it to himself so this is about what they do with the money and if the cops catch them or if the robbers get it back or not.
I loved this book becase its my kinda book and theres alot of action and build up moments which i like i think everone would enjoy this book that likes action stuff. i also like the movie of this to becasue its intereting i recommend this to.
My favorite character is the oldest boy Damian because he wants to keep the money to himself and takes controll of the situation and keeps the money from beeing seen by anyone so they dont report them.
This is the best book apart from alone on a wide wide sea that I have ever read.
Bad Boys
I have read a book about a boy that makes it to pro youth but the boys at pro youth thinks he's weird and posh because he goes to a private school and his parents are a bit well off. So one training session he decided to stand his ground and fight so he makes friends with the boys that were bullying him so he goes out and decides to start hitting people for no reason and he starts to kick mirrors on cars ,smash cars and then he even starts to smash house windows.
I found this book really interesting to read.
By Cameron Lamberth :)
Lord of the rings the fellowship of the ring by jude Fisher.
This book is about a film called the fellowship of the ring.There are alot of characters in the book like the hobbits, elves, dwarves and the orcs.The main good charactors in the film and book are Frodo, Smwise gamgee, Aragon, Boromir, Elrond, Arwen, Legolas and Gimli. I think this book is very interesting and i like the film when there is a big fight. My favourite charactor is lord of the rings is Legolas.
The Secret Circle-Part 1
by L.J.Smith
This book is about a girl called Cassie.She has to move to live with her gran.When she starts school there everybody is horrible to her but then she meets Diana.Diana is nice to her.One night while Cassie is asleep she is taken to the beach and she becomes a member of the secret circle.The secret circle is a group of witches but they are not ordinary witches.The leader of the group finds a special magic skull.A girl called Farye that is in the secret circle blackmails Cassie into getting her the skull.Once Fayre has the skull she accidently releases a bad spirit.The spirit goes around killing people and the secret circle have to stop the spirit.
My fav thing about this book was it was about magical things and not normal life.I loved the part when Cassie and her friends went to the school disco and everybody was staring at Cassie because she looked so pretty.
My fav character was Diana because she is so peaceful and kind and looks after Cassie.
I would recommend this book to anybody that likes books about magic and strange things.
By Leah G :)
I have recently read a book called 'Doctor Who-The Feast Of The Drowned.' By Stephen Cole.
The story starts on a ship that is taken over by creatures from the sea. They drown all of the crew on the ship. The drowned start calling out to the people they love to come and get them which leads to there loved ones being drowned in the Thames. The Doctor and Rose have a puzzling mystery ahead of them and aswell as that they have to stop the creatures taking over the planet. I loved this book because of the mystery and that it was 'Doctor Who'.
Blog by Gregor Larmour
I have recently read a graphic novel (manga) called PLANETES Volume 1 by Makoto Yukimura.
In the near future, mankind has contanimated the Earth, the colonization of space imminent. Several orbital space stations and cities on the moon. There are even plans for a research mission to the Jovian worlds. Young Hachimaki longs to be part of the mission but instead works as an orbital garbage man, cleaning up all of mankinds rubbish and space debris, broken satellites and explosive materials. His team includes Fee, a nicotine addicted tomboy and Yuri, a veteran spaceman whose wife died in space. PLANETES follows the lives of this team as they clean up space.
This book was very good, the plot is engaging, and the illustrations are very good and expressive. This book does have a little bit of swearing in it but apart from that, this a very good book and I would reccomend it.
By Eilidh Priest :D
I have recently read a book called Girls out Late by Jaquline Wilson.
It was about a girl called Ellie who lives with her Dad, Step mum Anna and her brother Eggs.She loves art and drawing , Ellie's best freinds are Madga and Nadine and one day when they were out in mcdonalds she notices that a boy is sketching her in his sketch book so she starts to sketch him and then he goes over to talk to her then they start meeting each other at mcdonalds all the time. But one night she goes out with him and doesnt come back until late although she has to e in for 9 oclock. She gets into serious trouble but doesnt listen to her dad and still goes out to see him and doesnt get caught. Then one night they go out to see a singer at a concert and get the train down to see it when she said one of the girls dad was giving them a lift. It turned out the concert had been cancelled and they go off with boys much older than them that said they were in a band. They go off with them in their van to their house and when they see where there taking them they start to regret it. The boys take them up to their house and turns out there not in a band and they lock the dooor and dont let the girls leave and start passing roundd drink and drugs.The girls leave through the window in the kitchen and got a lift home by a teacher they seen.
The book was alright.
by bryonykenmuir(: ...
The book i have recantly read is called Hector the Spectre by jan burchett and sara vogler.
this book is about litte frightley manor that should have been hanutedby hector the spectre.it is also about ghosts and in a part of the book it tells you that is about a ghost hand that is beside the child and there are long corridors and dust attics
I have just read a book called The Dairy Of A Slave Girl
It is a story about a girl about 14 in a plantion that mother had deid.When she is two and she works in the big house with Aunt Tee and her best friend Spiecy.Spiecy moves to the working in the feilds,Aunt Tee moved to the the nursey.The girl is learning how to count,read and write.She nearly is killed and spiecy is nearly sold.spiecy and the girls brother runs away and gets married,both the girls live till 1947.The girl becomes and conducter of the under gournd rail way which is acutly is boats.
It was an easy read and was really exciting.
I have recently started a book called IF A TREE FALLS AT LUNCH BREAK by Gennifer Choldenko.
The book is about a girl called Kirsten and its a new year at school after the summer hoildays.Her best friend is called Rory and she hasn't saw her all summer.As she is in the car on her way to school she is hoping that Rory is going to be in all her classes.When her mum pulls up to the school she sees a red sports car and there is a tall,nice looking,shaved man inside it and has her mum leaves chasing the red sports car she is standing on the pavement next to the boy who had stepped out of the sports car.She talks to him and then the school bell rings and they run together up to the school.
They get into the school and try to get to class as soon as possible she finds out the boys name is Walk and he shouts her to hurry or they will both be late.Finally they get to class and they slide into there seats as quietly as possible but the history teacher Mr Balderis asks Walk his name and sweat pours down Walks back.
Walk finally answers andy says Walker Jones and yours says Mr Balderis asks Kirsten and she answers Kirsten McKenna.The teacher asks them to go to the back of the room and read there book called McDougal quietly but he tells them to come to school on saturday to help him move his class to room 251 and he expects them both to be there at 9am on the dot.
I have recently read a book called No Stone Unturned...
The book was about a girl called Molly,and 2 boys called David and Fred.Molly gets married to Fred and they live in a house of there own.But David is just Molly's friend from school David really cares baout her though.Fred shouts at Molly alot and tells her what to do and she attemps to run away but Fred wont let her.Every night he hits her and she ends up with bruses all over her.through on in the story Fred takes their dog a walk to the hills and usually just sits there for a little while staring at the sea but one night when he went he didnt come back. So the next day Molly heard the news that fred was found dead at the bottom of the hill side with a broken neck,2 broken legs and 2 broken arms with dmaged rib cages.But ever since Fred has left something has been haunting the house and also Molly.She was beginning to get scared and she started to think what she had done wrong..but she just couldnt get it.The next day David came rushing to Mollys house terrified and sad at what happened to Fred.He tried to talk to her but it was as if she had seen a ghost...Her eyes were wide open she didnt get any sleep and shejust sat there starring at where Fred was standing.David wouldnt believe her if she had told him he would just walk away.Molly tried explaining to David but he didnt listen to her he thought she should get a proffesional doctor to come and see what was wrong with her.Molly told David that she was looking for her ring and she couldnt find it.She was wearing the ring the night fred had died but ever since that it had been lost.She searched the whole of the house but she still could not find it.She thinks Fred had took it.David was trying to talk to Molly but she just completely ignored him she had to find this ring.David asked Molly to stay over for the night so he didd nad slept in a different room.But he couldnt get to sleep he started hearing things smashing down the stairs.So he went down but he could not see anything..there he heard it again it was coming from the kitchen he slowly walked in and found a glass lieing on the floor but he still could not see anything he began to worry and was getting a little frightened.Suddenly he heard the dog barkand he goes outside to see what he is barking at oh and before i forget to tell you the dogs called Dexter.So David walks outside to see what he can see David went to clap the dog and he turned around there was a big shadow standing behind him and thats the end of the story.
I have just read a book called Boy Trouble by Amy Green.
It is about girls that write to an agony aunt about the trouble they have with boys. When Amy's crazy aunt Clover lands a job on The Goss magazine she needs some help from a 13 year old to help her.
Clover is still a teenager herself and is brilliant at promblem solving , But she is not the usual Agony Aunt leter writing kind of person. She likes to take action in person and doesn't like writing letters back to people.
Amy might have problems of her own, but but by going into action with Clover she finds the answers to her problems along the way as well as helping the other people.
You should read this book because not only is it nice to read some of other peoples problems it is a good book.
If you do read this book i hope you like it and enjoy it.
By Georgia McFadyen 1 Delta/Green 1p4
I have recently read a book called Hank Zipzer The World's Greatest Underachiever.Day of the Iguana by Henry Wilker and Lin Oliver.This book is about a boy called Hank Zipzer who does not do very good in school but he and his two friend's Ashley and Frankie perform in a magic group called Magic 3 and they perform for live audiences.Hank is the assisstant to Frankie who is the main magition and Ashley,who is the person who makes the arrangments for the places where they do all the magic.One weekend,Hank's two twin cousins Zack and Jake and they are ahving a birthday party.Hank takes this opertunity to go and perform to his cousins so that magic 3 can make some money.So he goes to the party and when he gets back he gets a nasty surprise.
kieran mcclay said...
the book i read was called hank zipter the world most underachever
the book was a 10year old boy called hank. he runs out of socks but he dosent no how to work the washing machine so he stickes eney thing on but he dident no he put on some pink monkey socks on before his papa came to play base ball but the pink sockswas lucky beacause he could though good now and hit and catch so he ended up liking the socks
I recently read a book called Daizy star and the Pink Guiter. It was about a girl called daizy and she is ready to dazzle everyone with her new guitar!But then her dad comes up with a different idea that she could swap happy family life for milking african goats.Shes got to win all of her bands or she will be saying goodbye to her guiter,her sleepovers,her friends and worst of all Custard Doghnuts.
By Rachael Quinn:)
This book is celled the hound of the baskervilles. the one want make it was celled sir Arthur and martin Powell.
There are a fox in this story. This a Dr John Watson and Beryl Stapleton and Shorlock Holmes.
The fox is going to tey to kill all them.
At the end of the book the two men.the fox run away.
I have reasently read a book called hank ziper the worlds greatest underachiever the zippity zinger. By henry winkler and lin quver. cover illustation by dynamo and cover design by alison gadsby.
it is abought when he gets chosen for a team of soft ball and he plays as a picher and the pressure is now on. can hank zipper lead his team to victory even though he thinks hes the worst athlete in the history of the world. dont miss all the other great books.
I have recently read a book called i love genie by Rose Wilkins.The book is very good and it is about a girl called Fran who is good friends with Francesca ,if she had three wishes it would be peace in the middle east ,an end to clobal warning and a cure for cancer.
by Abbie Lorimer
I have recently read a book called the princess plot by Kirsten Baie.
When auditions are held for a flim about a princess, Jenna is amazed to be chosen over her more talented friend, Bea. Even Jenna's strict mother gives her permission to fly to a place called Scandia. But soon Jenna discovers things aren't always what they seem. She looks just like the princess of Scandia, who goses missing. An extraordinary coincidence - or is Jenna caught up in some kind of dangerous plot.
Read this fantasic book to find out.
by Samantha Murray 1p4
I have recently read a book called kumari goddess of gotham by Amanda Lees.
kumari is a goddess in traning. she lives in a secret vally kingdom. shes distened to stay young forever but when she ends up in the world beyond(ney york). she has only 1 year and a day to live. she thinks she has given up being a goddess but she cant ever stop.
Its hard to kill a goddess but someone did. she gose away to the holy mountain detern=mined to summon her mother back to find out the truth.she meets lots of friends.
wil she ever get back? read this book to find out what happens.
by Samantha murray 1p4 delta
i have recently read a book called girls on tour. it is about three young girls who go on there first ever holiday abroad. i thought is was very funny
by georgia mcfadyen 1p4 misss moore
I read a book called Harry potter and the Deathly Hallows its about a boy called Harry Potter and his freinds called Ron and Herminoe and two house elves called Dobby and Creature they are on a misson to find horxcruse and they find one and Ron breakes one by using a sword. At the end its quite sad because one of the house elves gets killed by one of Voldemorts killers and Bellitrix kills dobby i dont want to say any more and I enjoyed the book and I have watched the film called Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1. I would give it a 5 out of 5.
By Scott McQuade
Johnathan hume said .......
The book i have reacently read is called Boy Thief by Zizou Corder.
The book is about a boy who stole something he shouldn't have stole.
in the book the boy faces a perlious flight through london and the murky sewers below the ground as he tries to escape being captured because lee stole the book of Nebo a book that has existed for thousands of years and tells every story and legand known to man. It's pricless,but more than that it's peculier.Some will even kill to possess it. The fucture of nebo is in lee's hand. i think it's a really good book and i think everyone should have the chance to read it because they would like it because of all the action of the book when he steals the book of Nebo out of the Museum
the end
or the beginning
depending on how you see it
I have recentley read a book called girls on tour. I thought this book was quite funny and
Searious at the same time
on bit I remember is when the girls met a boy at a natural beach and he went skinny dipping the girls burried his trunks in the sand and ran away. I can't really remember who wrote this book but the front cover was green with pink writting.
This blog was written by Nicola Rennie! 8-)
I have recentlu read a book call daizy star and the pink guitar by Cathy Cassidy.
the book is about a girl called dasiy, who gets a pink guitar for her birthday. She hopes she'll even find her star quality! But when her dad comes up with another carzy idea, which mean swapping a happy life for milking African GOATS! Dasiy has a cleaver plan. She needs to win the battle of the bands, or say goodbye to all her friends, sleepovers and her new pink guitar.
i think this book is good but i wouldn't read it again. If you want to find out what happens to daisy read this book.
by samantha murray.
Doctor Who - The Price Of Paradise. By Colin Brake. The old space vessel called the Humphrey Boggart, is drifting through space looking for Laylora, also known as the Paradise Planet. But things on this planet are just too perfect and the slightest change can mena trouble. So when the Humphrey Boggart crash-lands, there is more trouble than ever before. The Doctor and Rose land at the same time as the Humphrey Boggart, in the TARDIS, The locals say that strange things have been happening and that a mysterious 'Sky Boat' fell out of the sky. It seems that trying to solve this one's going to be tricky and there are plenty of perils along the way....
Gregor Larmour
I have just read a book called marked by p.c. and kirstin cast.
it is about a girl called zoey who is given a cresant moon shaped mark on her fore head and has to go to the house of night the school to train fledglings through the change to become a vampire. she is 16 and is special because she has an infinaty with all 5 eleiaments air,fire,water,earth and spirit. she is enjoying her classes but when her enimey aphrodite has ritual that goes wrong she steps in and fixes things and gains the leader of the dark daughters and new markings
zombies on rhe loose by anne rooney
This boo kis about zombies and how the could have excisted abd how they are crated. They are belived to be crated by a bokor, a voodoo sorcerer that uses magic and know contolls it. The bokor will feed the victum without him knowing then a zombie powder is made from puffer fish, toads, poisoness tree frogs and dead human meat.
I didnt really have a best bit but what was internesting was how tro make a zombie.
I would recommend this book to people that work on dead boadies. i personly didnt like it though.
i have recently read a book called betrayed the second in a serise of the house of night novels wirten by p.c. and kirsten cast.
it is about a girl called zoey and she is at the house of night and fall in love with two boys. she finds that her boyrfiend came first place in a monalog compertion. her mentor has been killing her old friends from the broken arrows football team. her best friend has died and came back as a ghost and she saved her ex-boyfriend.
I have recently read a book called Interstellar Pig by William Sleactor .
Its about a boy called Barney who is stuck with his parents for the summer. Then new neighbours move in next door and they are obsessde with an extrordinary board game and want Barney to play to.
By Abbie Lorimer.
My book is called The Amazing story of Adolphus Tips by Micheal Morpurgo. This book is about a girl called lily who lives on a farm and the war starts and everyone in the village has to move out. Lily has a cat called Tips who runs away from her and goes back to the village where they aren't allowed to go. Lily goes looking for her in the village where it is dangerous to go. I liked this book because it was very exciting and made you want to keep on reading. My favourite character was Lily because she is a very brave and determined person. I think this book is suitable for people between the age of 10-14.it is a story that you want to read more of. But this book was good.
By Rachael Quinn:)<3.
I recently read a book called Blood Ties. It was about a teenager called Theo who is looking for his father, but it turns out he is a clone. Before he finds this out, he teams up with a fellow clone called Rachael. The person who cloned the two was called Elijah. I would recommend this book because it was very entertaining.
Tam O`Shanter by Lari Don
A novle i have read is Tam O`Shanetr by Lari Don. The book is about a man named Tam O`Shanter
that was writen by as a pome by a famous poet Robert burns. Tam gets ready for his friday night out with his friends but as he has no money he desides to go home, As he is walking home he see`s light coming from the unsued run down church and desides to investigate. He see`s witches dancing to music but he gets caught and they chase him.
My opinion of the book is its ok to read if you want a shortbook to read and my favorite charater was Tam.
The book is better then the poem because it has more of a story behind it and its more interesting to read then a poem.
The book i'm writing this blog on is Snow Horse and other storiesby Joan Aiken. It has 5 different chapters which are all different stories. The book is Fiction.
Chapter 1 is Snow Horse. Its about a little boy and how he works for the person that cares for him. He worked at the place called the Forest Lodge Inn and he worked in the stables. His name was Cal.
Chapter 2 is called Birdweed. Its about a family that stayed in an oldish house. It was set after the death of the familys Aunt Lily. There was a big storm and all the lights go out and when they come back on something had happened to the oldest brother Claud.
Chapter 3 is called The road from Rushout Wood. Its about a young guy that gets attacked on the way to his sisters. He was walking past a haunted farm when it happend.
Chapter 4 is called Stoneywish. Its about a young boy and how his life is and because he had never met his mum. Him and his dad live in a town called stoneywish and there is a strange old man involved.
The last chapter is called Amberland. Its about a boy and his younger brother dreaming about a made up place.
This book was ok in my opinion. Not sure a would recommend this to anyone.
by Holly Duffy.
The book i am reading is a comic called Palestine written and drawn by Joe Sacco.
In late 1991 and early 1992 , at the time when war broke out. Joe Sacco spent two months with the palestinians in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, travelling and taking notes,It combines the technique of eye witness reportage with the wonders of comic-book strorytelling to explore the complex , emotionally weightly situations. He captures the heart of the palestinaian experience in image after unforgetable image , with great insight and brilliant humour.
This book is really good and absorbing because it tells you the struggles of palestinians like if its blowing up their homes,persecute them or destroying their farms and lives. It tells what happend to Joe , he got chased by kids, kids stole his money, got in a riot he did not want to be in and what people he meets.
The book is subitle for people over 10 due to the swearing andsad scenes.I think people who like history would find this appealing because is tells you about isralies snd the palestinaians and why they dont like each other but if you like a good comic with godd images this is the one for you.
Perry homes by Erik Brown
The book is about a young detective and his friend. Perry homes is the dtetive and micky moxen i his friend. They Both investigate the Head teacher going missing and they think tht he has ben mudered but the soon find out that the police have been looking to get for years and years.
Thebook was alright and worth reading, my favorite chracter was Micky because he was funny. I would give this book a 6/10 score.
I think this is a family book for all ages because its not scary or too violent.
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