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The review site for Read To Succeed, James Hamilton Academy's S1 / S2 reading programme
foul play
tom palmer
danny harte is obseesedwith 2 things watching football and tackling crime but when his hero a ledgendry footrballer sam roberts is kidknapped. danny gets right on the case and fast. danny was getting chased throuth the streets on the dark night roberts dissapered and was the last person to see him before roberts went missing.now danny wants an answer to the qeustionon everybodieslips who would hold englands star strikerto ransom and why.
Return To Groosham Grange
By Anthony Horowitz
I recently read an amazing book in class called return to groosham grange. It was about a boy called David Elliot who gets expelled from the best school in the state, Beton College. His parents go mad, but then a letter through the door. It is an invitation to groosham grange. At groosham grange david is the top pupil and has the highest grades in all his classes. It is a pretty wierd school with vampires as teachers and learning black magic but david soon gets used to it. Then a new wave of students come, in particular Vincent King. Vincent was catching up on davids Grades and fast. They got Points for Behavior and how they got on in their work, then the person at the end of the year with the most points wins the only prize at groosham grange, The Unholy Grail. At the end of the Year David had lost so many points that Vincent was only 3 points behind. The final exam will determine who wins. Find the rest out yourself.
Lucky Star
This isent a sequel but its like it its still got one of your faviourite charecters Mouse
Ok! Now this time a new charecter called cat has joined in and if you want to find out if they are playing cat and mouse why dont you read this book its by cathy cassidy and it is so great i couldnt stop reading but i hope you do the same so in my opinion i would reccomend girls and Boys should read this book mostly 12 - 14 years i would say and marks out of 10 it deserves a 10!
Congrats Cathy
she has got loads of books aswell wich are just as good
'This book is great'
'Cathy Cassidy is a brillant writer'
these books are the perfect excuse to daydream
so what do you think do you agree?
The book i have recently read is called Angus Thongs and full frontal snogging. It is really funny and it is like a diary that someone has wrote. It is a about a girl and she has a cat called Angus and a best friend called Jas. They meat two boys who are brothers one is 18 and one is 15. Jas ends up going out with Tom and Gorgia wants out with his brother but he goes out with a really nasty but really pretty girl. So will they end up going out?
Claire murphy
The book i have recently read is called Knocked out by my nunga nungas. It is the follow on from Angus thongs and full throntal snogging. It tells you that Goegia does go out with Toms Brother and that she went on holiday to Scotland but she hated it because it rained every day!
kick off
Dan freedman
this is a book i just finished reading it is about a young boy jamie jhonstone and he wants into the A's football team but at the trials he plays rubbish and missies a penalty and gets a red card. he thinks its all over for him but one of his grandads freinds had done the same but got picked forhawkstone utd and he gave jamie a book of things he did and jamie followed it and got into the team and won the cup
Dancing in my nuddy pants
by Louise Renninson.
This book was really good i enjopyed it alot because it is abput a girl and its like she is writting a diary about her life. She has a boyfriend who she loves and a best frienfriend.
Claire Murphy
The Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot.
This book is about a girl called Mia. Mia doesnt really have any friends and shes ugly and has spotts. But she finds out she is a princess and every one likes her but not for her just because she is a princess and she even gets a date to the school ball with the boy of her dreams.
Monster school
by garry kilworth
i have recently just reed this book and it all about this boy called tommy who has to go to a bording school because his mum and dad go off to canada for a week so he goes to the school called monster schooland he things it is children that go to this school but is actually monsters and he has to find a rooom to sleep in but all them a nosie so he hgoes in sleeps in the room with the mummy's the next day they organise a sports dayy with another school but at sports dayy they are getting beat then come back a win then when they go to celebrate toomys mum comes back for him and he is sad thts he has to go
stone heart
by charlie fletcher
this is a good book i have just finished reading it is A BOUT A YOUNG boy who goes to a museem at night and hw breaks a small dragon carvin in the natural history museem which made statues of stone sculptures become free and he a statue of a soilder wich helps him defeat the bad guys
A book i have recently read is called Double twist by Donna King.
Twelve year old Laura-Lee who is twelve and is also a skating championship was about to live her life by going to canada for the Skaiting championships with her partner Patrick.They worked so hard and couldn't wait till the big day until disaster struck, Laura-Lee and Patrick was about to do their biggest move in there great routine and then patricks legs buckeld and he fell with laura on top of him.He got rushed to the hospital and he was later told that he could not go to Canada any more as he had broke his leg.Laura-Lee was devostated, But one day she was just skating at the ice rink with a couple of friends and she saw this cool boy with his popular friends but he stood out he did a cool turn and some dance steps and then Laura new he would be able to step in for partricks place but it was how to make the young boy do it was the problem.With a few momments to decide he agreed and they practised like mad to get their coach to agree to. But she did and they went to Canada and they got last on their first round but overal the best skaters in the world!
New moon bye stephanie Myere is the second book in a series of four books. Bella is heart broken to learn the her vampire boyfriend Edward is leaving town to keep his identity safe. Bella starts to hang around with a boy named jacob black who reveals he is a werewolf. he and bella work on moterbikes to get them woking again. bella finds that the more danger she is in she sees Edwards face telling her to stop so this is the only way she can see him. She ends up cliff diving which leads Alice (edwards sister who has the power to see the future) think bella is dead. want to know more? read the book and find out.
I love Genie is about a girl who does crazy things to make the man of her dreams notice her but in the end up he aks her to the school dance where they fall in love but as they were about to kiss her imbarrising mum comes in and infront of every one shouts come on hunnie pie it't nearly past your bed time/ and every one laughs but her date the man of her dreams doesn't he thinks it was cute and just kisses her whether her mum is there or not.
Claire Murphy.
recently i have read a book written by louise rennison. it was called dancing in my nuddy pants!, it was a really good book :). it was really funny and i enjoyed it alot. it is about a girl called georgia nicolson and her boyfriend robbie. georgia gets into lots of trouble includeing when she was going to watch the stiff dylans (robbies band) reherese and she falls in to the drums. she says "this band must think i'm bonkers". this book is like a diary georagia has wrote and it is really good and i cant wait to read the next one :).
Double twist by donna king
Double twist is a book i have recently read and enjoyed. The book is about a girl called laura who is a competitive ice skater. There is a big competition coming up and laura and her partner patrick will be competing in it this competition is in canada so they have to practise all the time. One day when they are practising one of thehardest but best moves in their routine Patrick falls with laura landing on top of him. Patrick is rushed to hospital and is told that he can not go to Canada. Both laura and patricks dreams are ruined and laura cant go into the competition on her own so she starts to look for another partner.
One day when she is on the ice rink with a bunch of her friends she notices a popular boy skating with all his popular friends. He does some twist and dance moves and straight away laura knows that he would be a good partner. She asks him but it takes a long time for him to think about it as he doesnt want to look un coool. He finally decides to do it and him and laurapractise hard so that lauras coach will let them do it. She agrees and they go and compete in canada.
They get last in the frist round but from their own they do amazing and are crowned best skaters in the full competition.
The book i recently read was "How to eat fried worms" By Thomas Rockwell.
This book was about a book that four friends Billy, Tom, Allan and joe make a bet that billy cant eat 15 worms. 1 each day. The loser had to pay the winner 50 dollars. Who do you think wins?
All American girl
Meg Cabot
Sam Madison saved the presidents life when skipping art class. Suddenly she is very famous celebrity. Sam gets to visit the White house. The only good thing about it is the presidents son, David. She thinks of him as a friend. But when they fall out she really wants to make up as friends or something else...
Rachel Masterton
The simpsons by Matt Groening is a great comic cell book about a great tv show called the simpsons. It is about an american family who's everyday life gets them into all kinds of adventures such as Mr Burns who trys to create a youth ray but he needed a test subject. So he used homer and the ray instead of making him young made home grow into a giant whos brain was far less "advanced" than an avrage human (although it is natural to homer to have low brain power) In the end they find a cure for the giant homer and he is returned to normal size. To get the details of this story and read another two great and exciting tails about this wacky american family check out the book from the library in the graphic comic section or the fiction section under G.
i have recently being a nbook called drugs in the street by anne rooney . Its was a really interesting book because it told you all the differnt kinds of drugs and how much they cost it also told you how many people acroos the world use drugs and what drugs they use .It tells some interseting facts like where people use the drugs and they use thm at raves and festivals.if you read this book it would advise you not to take drugs so read it a dont take drugs So Be Save Be Sure
"luuurve is a many trouserd thing..." written by louise renninson. i have just finished reading this book :), this book was quite good. i enjoyed it :).
it was about a girl called georgia nicolson and she gets into lots of different trouble. i like this book its funny and exciting.georgia has to look her best at all times no matter what she always goes out with her frineds and goes out with robbie. her mum and dad or as she calls them mutti and vatti are mad. oh and libby her little sister she is crazzzzzzy! she dresses up the cat angus and pretends the cat can talk :O, but i sopose libbys only 7. georgias next door neighbours are so very dull and crabbit all the time nothing can be out of place in their house. so you can see georgia has alot to put up with, but im not saying she isn't mantal as well!
oranges in no mans land is a book i have recently read and really enjoyed.
this book is about a girl called ayesha. She is living in a time of a civil war which has lead to the death of her mother. now it is her grandmother who looks after her and her two younger brothers. They are left abandond in the streets until one night they see some people waving tot he from the top window of a grand house. inside are lots of homeless people who need homes. a few weeks later ayesha notices that her grandmother is unwell and that she has no pills left. The person who gave ayeshas grandmother the pills life at the other side of the city which is the enymes half. with a big heart and lots of courage ayesha makes her self take the risk over to no mans land to find the doctor.
to find out what happens at the end you will need to read this book .
chloe<3 x
I have recentle been reading a book called the Eejits writting by roald dahl . the book is about a man called mr twit and the woman called mrs twit.all the book is rote in slang and i think is really good because its funny and about horri9ble people and even the pictures in the story is funny because mrs twit is plain ugly and mr twit is hairy and so so so horrible looking it is also about a man called mr Eejit whoo is always eating and once he eats things and the get stuck in his beard he leaves them in there and he never washes hizs beard or anything so i think that is horrible
By Abbie Kane
I have recently being reading a book called virtual friends again .this bbok is writing by mary hoffman . this book is all about a little boy designing a virtual reality game . this was an ok book but i have read better books before.i recomd this book for children a not teenagers soo thats why i did not like this book.
by abbie kane 2p4
I have recently read private peacful by micheal murpurgo
it is about a 2 brothers join the army and at training they meet a horrrible man sgt hanley they dont like him because hes evil and wide thn when they meet molly there basically fighten about her but then they go in to war and they are fighten in frace then the old sergant major died hanley replaces him and then charlie gets blown away with a frag granedes and gets unconsiens so thommo goes to help him and hanley given him orders to go on a no man land
i farily enjoyrd this book it is amazing
Fleash and Bones
by Alan Durant
i have just finished reading this book in class and at home and i liked it it is about archaeologists that discover a skull of a young monk. using the latest tehnology liams dad has to put every bit of flesh back on the skull to rcreate the face of the monk. as liams dad works liam finds his self submitting to an irresistable force as he looks into the cavites where the eyess once were he hears a voice calling out across centuries.
My Sister Jodie
This is a great book. well kinda good in my view i would give it six out of ten to be quite honoust.
and in my view i would say it is for girls ages 12 to 14
it is about two sisters JODIE and Pearl.
Pearl adores jodie but when both there parents get a new job and they have to move school. jodie dosent fit in with the snooty teenagers and she keeps getting into trouble.
pearl dosent need jodie as much as she used to because pearl is making loads of new friends.
But one night she realised how much she needs Jodie.........................
>>>> Diane <<<<<<<<
Fat Kid Rules The World
By K.L.Going
This book is about a fat kid called Troy who wants to commit suicide by jumping in front of a train. A guy called Curt stops him which then starts an unlikely relationship.Curt invites him into his band to be drummer but Troy cant play drums. Troy thought he could be cool for once, can he?
i have recentle read a book called young dracula by michael lawrence
this book i about a boy and he is trying to become a young dracula.i didnt reallylike this story because i thought this was a story for younger people. in the story his father doesnt think he will become a young dracula . his father thinks willfred is a wimpire . but wilfred needs to prove his dad wrong and become a vampire then become young dracula like his father was
By abbie kane
Monster school
by garry kilworth
i have recently just reed this book and it all about this boy called tommy who has to go to a bording school because his mum and dad go off to canada for a week so he goes to the school called monster schooland he things it is children that go to this school but is actually monsters and he has to find a rooom to sleep in but all them a nosie so he hgoes in sleeps in the room with the mummy's the next day they organise a sports dayy with another school but at sports dayy they are getting beat then come back a win then when they go to celebrate toomys mum comes back for him and he is sad thts he has to go
By Tanya Landman
This book is about indians which a person takes revenge because at the start a little girl is killed. It is quite gory and i would recommend for teenagers.
Bad Boys By tony bradmen
This book is about 2 boys called ben a lee a both of them play for man city football club then he changes places from defence to midfield then it doesnt work out. Later on in the book lee quits the football team, Why did this all happen ?. i Liked this book
by abbie kane
By:Ros Asquith
I read this book and it is called Trixie and it is about a we girle that talks about her selfe and about her famile and frends.
I like this book becaus it got my intress of how she talks about her self and her famile and frends.
I would like it if other people woud read it and see how good it is and see how good a wrighter Ros Asquith is.
I would like to read more of Ros Asquith book because that one is really good.
I hope more people reade this book and see how good it is.
Love Jennifer Carruthers <33 ;)
a book i have recently read and enjoyed is "looking for JJ" by ann cassidy.
the book is about a girl who is hiding her identity. when the girl was younger she kiiled a girl the same age as her but they were only about six years old.she gets sent to jail but is let out. the police find out she is let out several months later but think that is her just let out.everyone is looking for her and even the people that she works with are looking for her but they dont know thyat the murderer ids standing right next to them,.
read this exciting book to find out if she gets caught :O:)
I have recently read and enjoyed a book called ghosting BY Keith Gray.
The plot of the story is about a boy called Nat and a girl called Sandy. They go to peoples houses and pretend to see ghosts. But this time it is real. They had been to meeting before with a girld called emma fay and a man called Mr Coile. Mr coile then asks for a private meeting and tNat and Sandy end up discovering that Mr Coile has killed someone, to find out who he has ki8lled you will need to read this exciting book!
Book-The Lovely Bones
By-Alice Sebold
I have read this book 3 times over 2 weeks that is how good i think this book is. I seen the filem onced but the book is better it gives you more infomerson. It is about a we girle called Salmon she had got repped and killed by a man in her naberhood. He has killed alot of people but at the end he dies at the end by him askin a girle if she wanted a rid home but this girel was about 15 so she new what to do so she just said no. And then he was keep on beddin her and beggen her but she just keep on telling him to go away. And then he was walking back and it was on a clif and he fell and died.
this is by Jennifer Carruthers.
New Moon
By Stephenie Meyer
This Book Is Beyond Brillant Like Its The Best Book I Have ever Read ..Its all about well if You Have Read Twiligh It is Continuing That so If you are going to read New Moon Read Twilight First (I)
Near The Beginning Edward Leaves
:(:( And Bella Just Sits in the House with Nothing to do for months (I) and emails alice..when bella is with Jacobe The Hole in her Heart is Almost Filled and when she Does dangourous thing she sees edward and belives he is still their ...But then she jumps off a clift and edward thinks she is dead So He Goes To The Voltori And asks to die so Will Bella Save Him ?...Well you have to read to find out (yn)
I would Give this book 101% Great...The Greatest Book ever written (I) and After You Have read all the books in the sequel wich include... Twilight,New Moon, Eclips, and Breaking Dawn You should see The Movies..!
By Diane
Horus Rising by Dan Abnett
this book is set in the 41 millennium and mankind is on the verge of controlling the universe but the emperor of mankind leaving the frount to deal with a greater threat, he leaves the command of the great crusade to his favourite son horus. the main characters in this story are loken captian of the 10th company,tarik captian of the 4th company,aximanand captian of the 2nd company and abadon captain of the 1st compay together they are the advisiors to horus.the plot of the story is the attack on the the xenos.(Aliens)
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