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The review site for Read To Succeed, James Hamilton Academy's S1 / S2 reading programme
The book i have just read is horrible histor France. It tells you about all the horrid kings and wars france had like the 100 year war which lasted not 100 years but 116 years. The students who stole and the police sargent who killed them and had his hands chopped off. Francs killing english because they were prodasent. Also all the rebelions that happened in france due to taxes, unfairness and just no reason. Funny and horrible history facts.
this book is called goosebumpsand it is bye R.L. STINE the book is good and its good because it is fabulous and it is a good book it is good but it is cuite scary at some bist and it. has a 136 pages is it and it is good to read its bon chapter 13 it is scary and on chapter 7 it is good and it is good because i have it now it is good because
The book i recently read was Pop Art by Tilman Osterworld.
Pop Art is one of my favourite art forms.Pop Art is a modern type of art.It started in American in the 60's.This book containes all of the info on the best pop art artists and their artwork.
This is a great book if you are into art and want to discover new genres of art.
reacently i've been reading a book about karate i chose it because it is a sport i do it gave me a lot of information about how karate started it started because the army in japan used it the do a thing called kata. the would do this in the morning and night they could tell if there was a spy from a diffrent army because they would start on a diffrent kata.
here is the name tof a kata i do at karate compatitions translated into english - Bi Si Di meand storm the castle.
by morven mclaughlin
The book i am reading is called JAGUAR and there is a lot of acrs in the book and on page 25 there is a cool car and it is a called JAGUAR XJ220 and it tells u stuff about the car and at the top right hand conner it shows you a bird eye veaw there is a cool car on page 23 and i thing it is a the top of a rood and it has its boot and the boonet opent and it is at the bottem of the page and it lookes if it can go fast and it will cost a lot of money to bay the carr and this car is callled the xj220 there is a cool car at the top of page 5 it was made in 1990s and itis a cool car so it is on page 7 there is an old fachon car and this was made in 1963
the book that i read is called mercedes and it is god to read the book an on page 16-17 it tells you alot of infomation about the cars and it is a good car to look at the car and on page 13 it showes you a pitcher of a car boot and it is small to look at and the book that i whant is called ferrair
by michael woods and this book is so good
pele autobiography
this book is very interesting and tells you all about pele's life. it tells you how he grew up and all about his football career.It also tells you about his family.
the book that i am reading is called porsche and it tells you all about the car and there is alot of pages in the book and it is a good book to read and there is alot of pitchers in the book and there is a book that i whant to raed is called frary and it is the fastest car in the wourld and there is alot of infomation about the car and dont read the back of the books because it tells you a bit about the book and it will tell you what happens in the book and it is a good book to read and i like to read books about cars
Jaguar is a good book and has lods of info. I would rather of had the Lamborghini or the Aston Martin books though.
Rotten Rulers By Terry Deary
In this book it tells you true faccts about all evil kings, queens and emperors. It tells the facts in a funny way. If you read this book you will enjoy it a lot.
the book that i am reading is called Emergecy vehicles and there are 32 pages in it and it tells you all about the vehicles and what they do and on the top right connor it shows you what is does.
There is a cool thing on page 15-16
and there is red stuff coming out of the plane and the plain is called p-3 and there is a funny boat on page 24 and it lokes funny as anything and it called thee lr7 rescue submersibile there is a fire truck that can get people out from a skyscraper and that has 33rd in it and it is one big theing on page 26 there is something called the hagglunds bv206 and that can drive on snow
by michael woods
the book that i am reading is called Mighty Machines there is a big truck on page 19 there is the bigist truck and if you look at page 18 the truck is macif compare to the children standing becide the truck and look at the size of the weels on the truck and there is a lot of diffrent kinds of stuff in the book there is a tank on one of the pages and it has a big rocket lonter on it and beside it has a big flameflower on it
by michael woods
Celtic in Europe
By Graham McColl
This book is about four decades of celtic playing football. It reminds you of a lot of their glory moments and also the moments in doubt. It is an enjoyable book and tells you a lot of interesting facts
Wicked World Cup
By Michael Coleman
I really liked this book because it tells you really interesting facts qabout when the world cup started .Like when the first ever5 international gamewas only 5p to get in .But now it is the most talked-about tournament there is .so all the people that like football read this book and it te;lls you really ijterseting facts about when it first stared
Abbie Kane x
Giggs Autobiography
This book is about the life of giggs. His main team was Manchester United. He has made many friends in his football career and will keep them forever. I have always like giggs as a football player since i was little.
The Angry Aztecs
By Terry Deary
This book is about the aztecs. It tells you about their religion and beliefs. It tells you these facts in a funny way.
The Book is recently read was the story of Rangers fc it tells is teh history of the club and the leauge Wins And it tells Rangers are The Most Succesfful team in the world And it tells you all the best player,managers,and history oof the stadium .
I read the story of Liverpool even though i'm not a Liverpool fan i got it anyway its about how they were formed.They have won the league 18 times during the history. There best player was either Kevin Keegan or Kenny Daglish who both managed them. I enjoyed this book because it was about football and Liverpool have also won the champions league twice
by Chris Hamilton
the book i have just read is katie prices autobiography.
this book was ok it tells you about all the thing that have happend like her make-up line, loungera line and horse rideing line.
in my oppinion i woul=dnt read it again as it is only another book about her bragging about her life, kids and marrige problems
morven mclaughlin
i've just read a book about music through out the age's from the 60's to now.
it talks about bands like the beatles which people know about now. it tells us about some of the most famous songs like Hey Jude, Yesterday, All You Need Is Love, Yellow Submarine, Let It Be, With a Little Help from My Friends, Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da, Back in the USSR and lady madona.
it then goes to talk about bands like muse, christina agulara.
i thought this book was good because i like music though if you weren't into music that much it wouldnt be as intresting
I have recently read a book called Killer Whales. This book shows how whales live,eat and grow. It also shows how indangered whales are. Blue whales are up to 20 times the size of A kille whale
A boy called John Macneil was eighteen and he had to face the shadow and defeat the dark lord he was the only the last one to spot a surviver.
I liked the book because it was heart exciting my favourite characeter was John Macneil because he was not afraid of the Dark lord.
I think the book is suitable for anyone above the age of 13 and adults.
a book i have read is called animals and me and it was a annual from 2010 i enjoyed this book becouse it is about animals and i like animals. I thought that it was interesting and good to read it had lots of things to do in it and it was full of information.I think that this book is good for any age from 8 to 13 becose it is quik to read and has lots of good photos in it. If you like animals then you will like this book so give it a try
The book am going to blog about is called Celtic in Europe by Graham Mcoll. The book tells you about every european game celtic has competed in. One of the most popular years is 1966 when celtic won the european cup in Lisbon. Celtic beaat Inter Milan 2-1. Celtic went down 1-0 in the first five minutes with a penalty from Mazzola. Celtic were quick to reply whem Gemmel scored a header on the 25th minute. Celtic then sealed the gsme when Chamblers scored a great finish on the 79th minute and ended the game 2-1.My opinion on the book is that the book gives you good information on celtic in europe
A novel I have read recently is To Be A Millionaire By Yvonne Coppard
This Is About A Boy Called Jack who is in collage and wants to be noticed by a famous film director and get out with a girl called Melissa. Jack Puts His Life On The Line just to get noticed and also ditched collage.
I Liked this book but its not usually the kind of book I Like. My Faveourite part was when he started to talk to mMelissa and Jack was My Faveourite Character
I Would Say This Book is Suitable For P5 To Forward age 9 to 16 years
The book i have recently read is Match of the day annual 2004-2005 by Simon Caney.
The book tells you lots of interesting facts about the 2004-2005 season.It tells you about alot of teams around the world. There are also quizez in the book.
Also in the book there are puzzles.Some of the puzzles are fun.In the book there is also a diary of some football players like steven gerrard and pavel nedved.In 2004 Greece won the euro 2004.They beat Portugal in the final.It tells you the top 50 players of the 2005 barclays premiere league season.Patrick viera was number one.
I thought the book was very interesting and I would reccomend it for people that are in too football by Connor Miller.
The book i have recently read is Match of the day annual 2004 by Simon Caney.
the book tells you lots offacts about the 2004-2005 Barclays premiere league season.
Also in this book there are puzzles you can do and some of them are fun.In the book there is a diary that tells you facts about players like Steven Gerrard and Pavel Nedved.In 2004 Greece won the euros.They best portugal in the final.It also tells you the top 50 players of the season in the barclays premiere league.
I thought this book was very interesting and would reccomend it for people that like football.
By Connor Miller
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