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Michael Morpurgo was born in 1943 in England. Before he became a writer he was a primary school teacher. Now he has written over 100 books and won loads of awards.
Michael Morpurgo was born in 1943 in England. Before he became a writer he was a primary school teacher. Now he has written over 100 books and won loads of awards.
Some of Michael's books that are held in the Library are:
Private Peaceful
Alone on a Wide, Wide Sea
Kensuke's Kingdom
The Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips
War Horse
To find out more about Michael and his books have a look at his website - http://www.michaelmorpurgo.org/index.htm
I have recently read a book called Into The Ashes by Michael Morpurgo.
It is based in Gloushire on a farm I dont want to say too much in case I ruin the book for you. It is a short book but brillant. It is based on the out break of foot and mouth disease.
The story is told by a little girl who lives on a farm when the foot and mouth disease starts out miles away...
I chose this book one because it was the only Michael Morpurgo book left and second because I like Michael Morpurgo books because I think they are brillant and I really think you should try it.
I have recently read a book called cool by micheal morpurgo.
The book is about a boy who gets knocked down and is in hospital in a comma and he can hear what everyone is saying. Then he meets a woman called tracy and she is his nurse and there is another docter called docter smellybreath. Then his mum and dad get his dog lucky and he starts licking him and he wakes up.
I think you should read this book because it is very exciting and intresting.
by Daniel Dixon 1 yellow
I have recently read the book Private Peaceful by Micheal Morpurgo
It's about a little boy named tommo and all the things he does when he is young but then he and his brother are forced to enlist in WW1.At first they think it will be just a laugh and nothing serous will happen but the truth is far, far worse
I chose this book because I like Micheal Morpurgo books and this book was ment to be quiet good.
by Josh Aitken 1 yellow
The book i choose was called Why The Whales Came by Micheal Murpurgo. It is about two characters called Daniel and Gracoe who love sailing and get lost in the fog and land on samson hill. They find a wierd person who casts a spell on you if u step on his island and he is called the Birdman.
By Scott Mackie
I have read a book called Toro Toro! by Michcael Morpurgo.
The story is about a boy named Antonito who lives in a bull farm in spain. Antonito helps to raise a bull which is called Paco but when he is told that Paco will have to face the bullring Antonito feels terrible because it means that Paco will be killed. Antonito tries to find a way to stop this from happening to Paco but will his plan work?
I chose this book because I like Michael Morpurgo because he is a great author and I hadn`t read this book. Toro Toro is a great book and it is worth reading.
I have recently read a book by Michael Morpugo. it is called Friend Or Foe. It is based in world war 2 and there are two boys who are evacuated to a farm. The boys are really good friends and get along with the farmer and his wife very well, almost like they were the farmers children. One night when they're left at home on thier own the boys see a German bomber crash out in the moor.
I chose this book because i've read lots of other Michael Morpurgo books and like the rest it was brilliant.
By Robbie Howard
I have read a book called why the whaless came by michael morpurgo.
its about a boy and a girl called Gracie and daniel they have been warned to stay away from the mad birdman but the message in the sand tels them the birdman isn't what he seems then they get lost in the fog and standed on samson island -should they believe the birdman's story that the island is cursed by Kieran Heaney
I have recently read a book called Toro Toro By Micheal Morpurgo.
Its about a boy called Antonito whos lives with his mum and dad on a farm in Andalucia, Spain. He has a baby calf called Paco. Paco and Antonito take a walk one day and its the spanish civil war and where paco and antonito are start getting bombed
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