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Theresa Breslin is an award-winning Scottish author. Before she became a writer she was a librarian, working in a mobile library. Some of her most famous books include Remembrance, Death or Glory Boys, Saskia's Journey, Medici Seal, Divided City and Whispers in the Graveyard (all of which are in the Library).
Whispers in the Graveyard Theresa Breslin
Whispers in the Graeyard is about a young dyslexic boy called Solomon. Hundreds of years ago, a witch that tries to save a babies life. She had done it many times before and everyone trusted her. This baby didn't live. She was burned at the stake for suspiscion on murdering the baby. AS she burned, she said that she would take revenge and steal the Miller's daughter. Back in the present time, a young girl called Amy has gone missing, her surname is Miller. The MIller's daughter. Only Solomon has the power to stop the witch from claiming her life, but is he enough. Is just one boy- one dyslexic boy- enough to save Amy all on his own. Read the book to find out.
whispers in the
whispers in the graveyard is about a boy who is dyslexic called solomon. hundreds of years ago there was a witch that saved babies lives and everybody trusted her but 1 day she didnt save a babies live and therefore she was burned and whilst she burned she swore to take revenge on millar. so back in normal time a little girl went missing and her name was amy millar. solomon is the only one who could save amy and kill the ghost witch.solomon managed to save amy and destroy the witch.
whispers in the graveyard by Theresa Breslin
This book i read was about a dyslexic boy called solomon.
it is an exciting book and i dont want to tell u all about it.
i didnt enjoy it very much
james and the giant peach
i dont realy like this book becouse it is childish bit i couldent find another book that i likes for roald dahl and that i have read most hadent read before. i like roald dahl books but i have read most of them like : charly and the chocolate factory , the wiches ,james and the giant peach and many many more i thik that this book is soutable for about age and i think if your not over 8 then you will like it and if you are adventuress then u will also like it .i think that if you havent then you shuld read it
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