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The review site for Read To Succeed, James Hamilton Academy's S1 / S2 reading programme
The book i have been recently reading if called Angel Dancer by Frances Mary Hendry. The book was about a girl who had loved to do ballet dancing. But she then her sister started and her sister was much better than her. So she droped out. But when her sister was asked to do a really important show she found out that her sister had a sore foot but she was not to tell her parents and when she did the show she broke it and couldnt dance again.
Claire Murphy
The Abduction - Mark Giminez
When hotshot lawyer Elizabeth Beice turns up to collect her daughter from football practise, the coach tells her she needn't have bothered, as Grace's uncle has already picked her up. The only problem is Grace has no uncles.
And a furious race against time begins to save Grace from her unknown kidnappers. Grace's internet geek father John leads the search, forced to unite with with his terrifying wife and even more terrifying father, Ben, a Vietnam war hero, to some but to others he was no kind of hero.
Somehow they must find Grace before it is too late. But secrets from the past make the little girl's survival more uncertain with every passing minute....
I loved this book because it was so interesting and i could not put it down.I would defientley recomend this book to more challenging readers.
Angus, thongs and perfect snogging
this book is realy funny for it tells us all about Gorgea Nicilson, 13, and how she has 3 Things wrong with her life
1 she has a little sister called libby whom might have peed in a cornner in gorgea's room
2 she has never kissed a boy in her life
3 and she has 2 very strang parents
it's also funny because her dad goes to jamaca but she calls it kiwi land and tells him not to have an afair with any kiwi women and then sees this boy Robbie (sex god)and falls in love but her mum is orginising her birthday party and they end up going out
i would sugest it to all girls who like funny books
By morven mclaughlin :)
i have just finished reading Girls under pressure by jacqulijne wilson i did not like it at all
its was about a girl called ellie and she thinks she is ugly and fat and is going on a diet she says she needs to do it this time or they will be calling her ellie the elephant. her freinds nadine and magda thinks shes mad but ellie says its alright for them she says nadine is like a model and magda is gorergous.
i thought this was going to be a good bokok whemn i read the blurb the blurb was....
Its diet time for me,im just so horrible, ugly and F-A-T! this time i'm sticking to it no matter what or they will be calling me ellie the elephant if im not carful! my ftriends Nadine and magda think im mad but its alright for them.Nadine looks like a model and has a chance to be a real cover girl and Magda is drop dead goregous.
by natalie mcmillan :)
secret vampier by L.J. Smith
this book is about a girl called poppy morth andhow she finds out her best friend jamie(James) is a vampier whilest she is dieing so he bites her so she'll become a vampier but it all changes when her brother phillip find out
then they go to her funaral then they go and dig it up so she is a vimper
then Jamies cousin ash comes and takes her away and tells her she is a danger to Jamie but then Jamie comes after her with phillip they find she is at a party and Jamie starts to worrie
she the finds out she isn't a danger to him at all she was born a witch that is why she canread peoples mind so well
they then drop her brother off and go to see his other cousin that she met earlier she is called thea and then they go to her dads to tell him that they are witches but she can't go home because her mum thinks she is dead!!!!!
By morven mclaughlin
The book I chosed was Horrid Henry Betime by Francesca Simon It is about a boy called henry and is a horrid by every bedtime he doest go his bed so he hides in cuboards etc... and this one nite he had a master plan he gets old dirty clothes and scruff them under the the covers and kidid on to be a human but then his mum and dad check the fake but they go ohhh nooo where henry so they look every where in the house but henry sitten there in his den this is a very good book i liked reading it .
Breakig Dawn
The book i have recently finished reading is called Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer. This book is the fourth book in the Twilight Series.
The night Bella and Edward finally tie the knot, Edward wisks them away to Isle Esme for a romantic Honeymoon. Bella soon thinks that she is pregnant and quickly calls Carlisle and he confirms and that she is pregnant.So Bella and vampire husband Edward return home immedetly.
As Bella gives birth to baby girl Renesmee shes loses a lot of blood so Edward is forced to turn her into a vampire ! He quickly injects venom into her heart and body.
When she wakes up she finds that she has been asleep for two days and baby Renesmee has already grown to the size of a small todler and has said her first word.
Best friend Jacob - who is a werewolf - has imprinted on Renesmee since the first second he saw her. As Bella adjusts to not ever sleeping and drinking animals blood, Edwards sister Alice saw a vision that the Volturi was coming to get Bella and Renesmee because another vampire named Irina sees Renesmee and suddenly thinks that she is an immortal child. The Volturi suddenly take action and charge for the Cullen Family. The whole family dissapear to find fellow vampires to ask them to saty and witness the girl growing because then the Volturi would know that she is Half vampire and half human. But Alice and Jasper never return because there is going to be a battle with the Volturi. The Volturi have wanted Alice over the past 50 years because she sees the future in her visions and The Volturi could do with tht on there side. The Cullens gather friends from, ireland, The Amazon, Egypt, Denali, Rome and America.
They all stay to tell the Volturi that they have witnessed Renesmee grow and that shes should not be destroyed.
When the Volturi finally come they stop and listen to what the Cullens have to say. When they haev heard it all they decied to return home to Italy and leave the Bella and Renesmee in peace.
I absoloutly loved this book. I read it in two days and i could not put it down. I would recomend it to anyone who loves adventure stories.You immedietley feel like the characters are real and you are living in the book.
By Shannon King :)
I read a book calld The Door In The Lake,it is by Nancy Butts.
This book was a very intersting and it was very good and i liket it. I think that people shoud read it because it is a very nice book but it did get a wee bit boring but i still liket it.
It was about a boy and he remeberedall the things that had happend to him and his famely.
Recently i have been reading a book called horrid henry's betime by francesca Simon
it was a really good book because i never read a book about horrid hendrys because i always watch it and it is about al the thing henrys does to is little perfect brother peter abd how they grew up and i would read one of these books agagin because a really enjoyed it and i would advise you to read it
by Abbie Kane
The book i just read was called nuclear winter bye terry deary. It is about a young russan agent from the "KGB" who is put on the case of a missing scientist who knew alot of russias secrets conserning there amount of nuclear weapons. The young agent named yuri must go on a search for the scientist and that search starts in spain where he meets with another agent. This agent has already asked the police about what they know and they told him nothing. so Yuri is instructed to "take him out" if nessasery.
The book i read was called Deep Trouble it is by R.L Stine.it is about a boy called billy who is on holiday beside the sea.He finds something lurking in sea that is anything but human. i realy liked it because it was a real page turner.I would recomand it to anyone who enjoys scary books..
a series or unfortunate events is a book i have resently read written by lemony snicket. it was a really goood book even though i have seen the movie of it alot of the book is the same as the movie but some isn't. its about the baudelaire orphans whos mother and father dies in a fireso they go to all sorts of peoples houses and this one man count oloaf is trying to kill them and at the end he trys to marry the oldest of the baudlaire orphans, vilot. the man is evil and every carer they go to he tracks them down some way or another.
Bad Boys
I have read a book about a boy that makes it to pro youth but the boys at pro youth thinks he's weird and posh because he goes to a privet school and his parents are a bit well off so one training session he decided to stand is ground and fight so he makes freids with the boys that were bullying him so he goes oout and turns a bad boy and decides to hit people for no reason and kick in windmirrirs and smash car and house windows
by conall kerrr
i have very enjoyed this book it is phoniamil
The book i have just finished reading os Vampire Diaries by L.J Smith.
The book is about a girl called Elena. She lives in a small, peaceful town. But all the peace suddenly disappears when mysterious Stefan appears in the small town. Mysterious killings start and wont stop and Stefan thinks its him. Elena is wanting to find out more about him and does a little research.
One day Stefan takes Elena up to his room to tell her something: he's a Vampire!
When the killings continue Stefan is convinced its him. But when his evil brother Damon shows up Elena tries to convince him that Damon is the bad one.
I wouldn't recommend this book because it is not very intersting and you get bored of it very quickly.
this book that i have is called goosebumps. there is a bit of information on the back of the book and gregs dad has a new car but he gets in a bad car crash and the that is bad because it was a new car that he had and it was not good for him.and the book has 136 pages it is called say cheese and die! and it is wrought by R.L. Stine. and it a good book i will get anouther one of this book
It is just as good or better (can it be?) than Twilight.
Basically, an alien race "souls" that needs to be inside a "host" body to live has chosen earth, and there really are no more true humans, except a few in hiding. The story follows Wanderer, a sould who has never settled on a planet inside the body of a former resister. While hoping to use Melanie (her host's) memories to find others, she soon discovers that Melanie won't just disappear and that human emotions are more demanding than she ever thought possible
by morven mclaughlin
The book i just read was The Mum-Minder. It is ritten by Jacqueline Wilson. It is about a we girle that is only 9 yers old and her gets a relly bade cold and she is a childe minder so she coudn't do her work. Her childe had to do her work for her it was that bad then at the end of the book the mum was fine but the child wasnt she had cached the cold.
A book I recently read was called street kid by Judy Westwater.
The book is about a young girl who is kidnapped from her mother by her cruel dad. Her dad and stepmum treat her like a slave and she is left out side all day long. She is sent to an orphanage but her dad ends up getting her back she is abusede daily so bad that she ends up deaf in one ear. They move to Africa for her dads buisness but things end up worse for her. It takes fourteen days to get there and in they fourteen days she is locked in her cabin for most of it with no food or water.They arive in africa and the routines are no different she is abusede and bullied at school and at home so she decides to ru n away with the circus bt the plan fails and she is left on the streets of africa all alone but through sheer determination she survives....
i would recomend this to people who like to read true stories at some bits of the book i was nearly crying it is so sad.
by chloe parnell:)xx
White Lies
I have been recently reading this story called White Lies by Cathy Hopkins.
This book is about a girl named Cat, She had moved from England to America, she was secrelty adopted but when she moved to America she didnt know she was living beside her real mum.
But as she got settled to her new home she found out that her mum was living beside her.
Cats father was killed 5 years after she was born.
Shannon Marshall
this book is called Monster Trucks
on one of the pages it shows u who it make a mounster truck and it has a lot of old cars in it and there is a lot of writhing in it and it has a lot of pitchers in it of verry very old cars there is a car called A HEAVY LOAD on page 14
and on page 18 the is a truck with somthis coming out the back off it and that is called a ROBOT MAYHEM
there is a realy monsters in this book on page 21 and there is a man standing beside it and it is biger than the man
there is somthing in the book called the BIG DADDY and you can stand in it
if u go over a big jump on if u look on page 12 it will show u an akcden what happent to someone who was driving a monster truck
I have read a book called, Vampire Slugs On Callisto by Jackie French
It it an okay book but I found it boring so that is how I rushed to read it to do the blog.
It is about vampire slugs and how people had found them. A girle had found one in the wood when she was with there with her dad and they were wordring what it was and had got a book and went on the internet to see what it was and they had found out it was a vampire slug.
Thats me done for now bye
By Jennifer Carruthers
i have recently being reading a book called wild day out . i did not really like this book because i thought it wass for kids or mabye a little bit older but not teenagers .so i would readd this if u were a child .but overall it was quite funny at some parts
Byy abbie kane
a book i have just finished reading is called angle.
it is about a girl who is an angle and her dad thought she was haveing a break down after the death of her mum after she gets out of hospital they move house after some bad roumers at school about her being mentaly ill. when they move house she moves school she makes friend trying to keep the secret of her past but it all comes out after she start to see the dark angle.
from morven
a book i have just read is called harry potter and the deathly hallows. it is about the final fight against tom riddle (voldamort) and harry potter at the end tom gets killed but kills more people. it come's out that profeser snape is a spy and that him and dumbeldore planned dumbeldores death. sirious gets killed by the dark lord. at the end it skips on 19 years and it's when harry is married to ginnie and they have 3 kid and ron and hermionie have 2.
i loved this book and it was very fun
by morven mclaughlin
I have recently bein reading a book called Grossham Grange by anthony horowitz it is where pupils go to a new school and they have sign there name in blood then a techer goes missing when theres a full moon i like thizs book because it is funny and i would advise you to read it .
by abbie kane x
Troy by adele geras
Troy is a very exciting book which tells you about the seige of troy city. It is targeted for people above 10 years.
the book that i am reading is called BMW and on page 18 there is a cool car on it and it tells you a lot of thing about the car
Allies of the night is theexciting 8th book in the series and 2nd in the trilogy where darrens friend steve team up but steve is acctualy a vampaneze and bterays darren.
the book i have just read is called The BFG (the big friendly giant).
it is about a girl who couldnt get to sleep one night and herd a noise out side she looked out side and there was a giant walking past her window they became friends.
they saved the world from bad giants.
From Morven McLaughlin <3
The book i have recentley finished reading is 'The Fury' and 'The Renunion' books number three and four in the Vampire Diaries series.
This is an excellent book. I know in my review about the first one i said it wasnt good, but i read it again and loved it.
Forced with an ancient evil, Stefan and Damon must stop their fighting and join forces with Elena to confront it. But in so doing, they are unwittingly sealing her fate...
Elena summons the vampire trio once more to unite and challenge their fate. Together they will be called to face the most terrifying evil Fells Church has ever known!
Shannon King.
i have recently bein reading a book called kick off by dan freedman .
i Quite liked this book because it is about football and i like football.it is all about a boy wanting to become his schools football next star .and neer to the end jamie is playing for his school in a semi final cup and the scouts are coming to wath himfor his favourite team are coming but the pressure is on jamie if he is going to get scouted .i really liked this book so if you like football read this book
Abbie kane ;)x
I have recently read a book called Vampire Mountain by Darren Shan.It is about a half vampire called Darren Shan and his mentor Mr Crepsly.They both travel to Vampire Mountain so Mr Crepsly can go to a meeting.Darren meets lots of vampires and then he has to do a Trial.You will need to read the rest to find out.
By Rachel Masterton . ::)
i have just read a book about the movie Narnia.
narnia as about four children who go to live with a proffeser because it is set duering world war 2 and got moved from the city to the country side. one day it is raining and the 4 children are board so the youngest child suggests they play hide and seak so they do they rest of them a part from the eldest who has to find the rest of his sibblings. when the youngest hides she goes into a room with a coubord which has a sheet over it she pulls off the sheet and goes into the coubord aws she goes back further her feet start to get cold she looked down to find she was standding in snow.
when she got back it felt like she had been away for hours but she hasonly been away for 5 mins she tells her brothers and sister tell her she was only imageining it that night the younger of her brothers went to she for himself and it was true. th3n they start there adventure in narnia
The book i have been reading is Horrid Henrys Bedtime By Francesa Simon.
It is about a boy called herny who never does what he is told. When it is his bedtime he will go and hide in cupboards. He would hide under his bed instead of in it. It is a funny book but is too babyish.
a book i have resently read is twilight by stephanie meyer. i enjoyed this book. it was about a girl called bella who moves to forks to live witn her dad for a while and meets a boy in biolgy called edward but doesnt relise edward is acctually a vampire! edward calls himself a 'vegitairian' but he means he drinks only animals blood. edward doesnt sleep either. when edward first meets bella her blood had such a strong smell he was strugleing to stay away, but managed to contorl himself. edawrds eyes go black when he is angry but golden when he is happy/content.
the tracker james hunts bella down and trys to get her blood but they kill james and edward has to suck the venom out of bella but cant heklp him self to stop so bella is took to hospital because she lost too much blood but after a while she is fine.
i enjoyed this book very much i have also seen the film and i recommend this book to anyone.
the book i have just read is called The BFG It IS About A Big Freindly Giant.
it is about a girl who couldnt get to sleep one night and herd a noise out side she looked out side and there was a giant walking past her window they became friends.
they saved the world from bad giants.
the book that i am blogen is a sea book and it is a good book so and it is about a bout with boys and it is geting attacked by sharks
Nuclear Winter
By Terry Deary
The book i recently read in class is about a young russian agent from the "KGB" who is put on the case of a missing scientist.He knew a lot of russians secrets which tells you about their weapons. Yuri who is an agent must go on a search for the scientist. He must start in spain where he meets with another agent. Yuri is then told to kill him if he has to. It is a really exciting book and is targeted at teenagers.
i have recently bein reading a book called kick off by dan freedman.
i thought it was o.k because it is about football and i like football.it is all about a boy wanting to become his schools football next star .and neer to the end jamie is playing for his school in a semi final cup and the scouts are coming to wath himfor his favourite team are coming but the pressure is on jamie if he is going to get scouted .i really liked this book so if you like football read this book
i have recently bein reading a book called kick off by dan freedman.
i thought it was o.k because it is about football and i like football.it is all about a boy wanting to become his schools football next star .and neer to the end jamie is playing for his school in a semi final cup and the scouts are coming to wath himfor his favourite team are coming but the pressure is on jamie if he is going to get scouted .i really liked this book so if you like football read this book
percy jackson and the last olympoin
by rick Riordan
this book is about greek mythology and the battle for control over olympus. in this book percy has to become invincable by dipping in the river stuex but will he be drained of his soul befor he fights the god of time
i have recently read a book called Lily A Ghost Story by adele Geras.the book is about a seventeen year old girl called Marrie.she gets a job working for a widower to look after her 4 year old daughter called Amy things when there appears to be someone else liying in there house someone that doesnt like amy.
Air Head- Being Nikki by Meg Cabot
Air Head- Being Nikki is the second in series of the Air Head trilogy.
It is about a normal girl called Em that has a brain transplant into a supermodels body.
Leaving her old life behind she has to live in the way Nikki Howard, the face of Stark Enterprises lived.
As the story goes on, we find out that there were no accidents the day that it all happened.
Nikki's previous boyfriend Brandon, the son of Robert Stark, founder of Stark Enterprises, is blackmailing Em also.
She finds herself in a tangled web of problems and she doesn't know if it will ever end.
The book i've been reading is called The Water Horse by Dick King-Smith. Its about a boy and his sister, they found something wierd at the beach so they take it home. They did think it was a big old piece of seaweed,but in the morning it started squeaking and splashing. It ended up hatching into a creature aka the water horse.
Holly Duffy
This is a good book about a super hero but the police dont like him and he is on the run wile he is beatin up baddies
Scrambled Legs-who framed Mary Bubkin?
by Jahha N Malcolm.
This book is about a group of friends that all go to ballet class.One of the girls has to leave ballet class because her mum no longer has the money to pay for the lessons.This nasty girl in her class says Mary stole her necklace but it was actually the receptionists raccoon that stole it.Mary got a job at a shop but messed up so she had to find a new job to pay for her lessons.In the end Mary gets a job as helping the receptionist.
My favourite character is Zan because she is very good at figuring things out.
My fav part is when the group of girls ruin this womens top.
This book was really good.
Hopeless Savages.
A graphic novel by Jen Van Meter, Christine Norrie and Chynna Clugston-Major.
This book is about all different storys, one i read was about a family and there mum and dad got kidnapped, and the 3 children tried to save there mum and dad, and they had to go to an office to get there brother who they never talk to so he could help them find. They went all over the place to try and find them but still no luck. They all finally went to a hotel and just before they went home they found there mum and dad tied up in a room. There was another story where a family, when all the childeren got sent down to the head teachers office and then the dad goes off his head because there saying that the children go into school and says they dont get food before they go. So they go on holiday and the people at the beach gives them a bad time, so the dad tells them how to fight and they go back down not scared.
Hopeless Savages.
A graphic novel by Jen Van Meter, Christine Norrie and Chynna Clugston-Major.
This book is about all different storys, one i read was about a family and there mum and dad got kidnapped, and the 3 children tried to save there mum and dad, and they had to go to an office to get there brother who they never talk to so he could help them find. They went all over the place to try and find them but still no luck. They all finally went to a hotel and just before they went home they found there mum and dad tied up in a room. There was another story where a family, when all the childeren got sent down to the head teachers office and then the dad goes off his head because there saying that the children go into school and says they dont get food before they go. So they go on holiday and the people at the beach gives them a bad time, so the dad tells them how to fight and they go back down not scared.
The book i have recently read is The Dare Game a Tracy beaker story by Jaqueline Wilson. It's about a girl going to a new foster home thinking she was going to live happily ever after. Instead it didn't happen like that, she didn't like her new home because she didn't get everything she wanted. So she bunked off school because she got laughed at for not having all the designer stuff and met up with two boys to play The Dare Game and claims shes the greatest and always wins it.
Holly Duffy.
The book I have been reading is called The BFG by Roald Dahl who was voted the worlds best story teller.
The book is about a girl called Sophie who was kidnapped by The BFG. She soon learns about snozzcumbers,dreams and other mysterious things beyond her imagination. She later goes to the Queen of England in search of help to kill giants like the Bloodbottler. They soon manage to defeat them and live happily ever after .. well except for the giants.
My favourite character has got to be the BFG because he talks really funny and he brings back memories of how I used to love these kinds of stories.
My least favourite character is the queens butler he is just too posh for me and I don't like posh people.
I think this book is suitable for all ages because my mum is 34 and she still loves this book.
I enjoyed this book alot as it is really creative and imaginative.
I just have to say ... WHERE IS THE FROBSCOTTLE !
I recently read a book called underwater predatorees by steve parker.
This book is about seas, rivers and the oceans which are teeming with animals that kill in order to live. Many underwater predators are more mysterious and more feared than those trhat live on land. So despite how ugly or elegant they are dosen't mean they're not dangerous in any way. SO BEWARE
The book i have been recently reading is called W.I.T.C.H. by Enchanted Waters. The book is about, When irma meets a mysterious stranger who can predict the future and talks about magical sea creatures, she has no idea of the danger he poses. The man is in deep trouble, and it is up to Irma and other Guarfians to help. But that is easier said than done. Levelheaded cornelia doesn't believe the man's story and Taranee's hot temper flares. Can W.I.T.C.H come together to save this man and keep one another save.
Outbreak by Chris Ryan
This book is about an outbreak of deadly virus it was discoverd when miners went down a mine and found tousands of dead bats the virus breaks out into a small village but mayby not for long it could kill everone worldwide who knows read and find out.
I think this book was very good I really liked it, i would read it again. I dont really have a favorite character i like them all in a diffrent way none of them really stand out.
I think this book is suitable for teenagers and adults because its a hard to understand book but if you read hard books and your not a teen then you might understand it a little better.
A Novel I Have Read Is Battleground By Chris Ryan
Ben Tracey 14 Year Old Sees To Much With His Friend Aaraya and Amir one Of The Terrorists Sees Them And Takes Them Hostage drags them across Afghanistan and locks them in hide outs. Concently Ben And Aaraya Get Hungry and Thirsty and There Bodies Are Weak
I Really Enjoyed This Book It Was Action Packed. My Faveourite Character Was Ben Tracey After All The Brave Things He Did Like Going Down To Get Aaraya From The Cliff. My Faveourite Part Was When Ben And Aarays Had To Stay On The Cliff And Wait On The Helicopter To Come And Get Them.
This Book Is Suitable For Anyone Who Is Interested In The Army And It Is For 12+
The Summoning-Kelly Armstrong
The Summoning is the first book in the Darkest Powers trilogy.
Chloe Saunders is 15 and when she starts seeing ghosts at school she is taken away to a group home called Lyle House. Chloe is diagnosed with schyzophrenia but little does she know she and the other kids there are all supernaturals and Lyle House isn't just a group home.
Chloe, Simon, Derek and Rae all try to escape to find Simon and Derek's dad as he knows lots about their strange powers.
They run to an abandoned warehouse and on the way they are tracked and shot at with tranquilizer darts. Chloe has a badly wounded arm so she and Rae leave the warehouse without Simon and Derek and head off too her Chloe's Aunts house, as she is a doctor. Aunt Lauren seems horrified but she has another secret surprise.
Chloe finds herself locked in a room with no doorhandle on the main door. Since she can talk to the dead, she summons her friend Liz, who was also a supernatural, to see if she can help her get out, but Liz has no idea she's actually dead. She only knows she was in the same hospital as Chloe.
I think this book is a horror/adventure. People ages 12+ should read this because it's quite freaky.
The book i have been recently reading is called 'The Tale of Black-eye Jax by Peter Clover. This book is about a boy called Harry and his sister Charlotte but they call her Charie, they go on holiday 'The Highwayman Inn' when he sees a picture of Black-eye jax and gets told hes the robber when people come into his town and the person that told harry and charlie is writing a book on him. Black-eye Jax was the terror of the highway. Charlie and Harry was walking back to the hotel when they saw Black-eye Jax who led them to the river. They saw a boy and went to save him, then Black-eye Jax was there and Charlie and Harry wasn't scared anymore and saved the boy, they found out his name was Jax and he lost his dog, black-eye jax went away and Jax's dog came with a feather on it the same as the one on black-eye jax. They were on there way to the hotel and wasn't to tell Jax's dad who works in the Highwayman Inn' and they all went to watch Finding Nemo.
I recomment this book to people younger than 13 and people who dont like reading.
The author of the book is Jeremy Armstrong
Giant Jim and the hurrican is about a giant that wants to live in a small town but the towns people dont accept him. There are two children that accept him though they are called Poppy and crasher.The giant in the story is not liked because he tries to find a home and goes and sleeps in a dance hall the next morning the giant notices he had crushed all the instruments that the town band was supposed to use. Also a hurrican comes to the town and the giant comes to help. My opinion on this book is that it was imaginative. My favourtie character was Giant Jim because he was kind and helpful and he alsoo helped the town.
Caithlin Galbraith
The Secret Circle
The captive Part 2 and the Power.
The book I read was called The secret circle. The author is L.J.Smith.
The book is about a group called the secret circle. They have magic powers. The group don't like a man called Black Jonh because he is evil. Black John changes his name and becomes the headmaster of the school. He turns people against the secret circle group. Black John turns out to be related to Cassie but the group still don't like him. They want to find a way to destroy him. The girl Cassie is in love with a boy called Adam but he is dating her best friend. Will the group destroy Black Jonh and will Cassie get to be with Adam?
I loved this book because it is very magical. My fav bit was when the group find the master tools because they were looking for them for years and they finally find them. I like Nick because he is kind and cares about Cassie's feelings.
I think teenagers would like the book. Girls will like it more than boys because the book is romantic and magical.
This book is great and once you start reading you can't stop.
A book i have recently read is "the indoor pierets" By Jerey Storg
This book is about 5 people how want to be pirets but there scared of the water but the capten to bees garan died and she leves him her house and they turn the house into a house ship. They do crzy things like a wile ago gran wanted a new gate and she rote it all the sizes down on a peace of paper and they think its a treasere map they also rade a garbage truk because they think theres jewels in it. they also kidnap a post man at the end they _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
by Michael Morpurgo
The name of this book is Shadow by Michael Morpurgo.
The book was about a boy called Aman who had to flee his country. He travelled with his mum and a dog he met. He called the dog Shadow. Shadow was actually a sniffer dog and had to go back with the soldiers. Aman and his mum got to England but after a couple of years they were put in a Detention centre. Will they ever get out? Will Aman ever see Shadow again? Read to find out.
I loved this book because it is about real life and what happens to some people.
My fav part was when Shadow was re-united with Aman. My fav character is grandpa because he tries very hard to help Aman and his mum.
I think children and teens would like this book and people who like army stuff would like it too. If you like stories about dogs you will enjoy this book.
I would recommend this book to people who don't like reading books with lots of words and tiny writing. I enjoyed this book alot and it was very interesting.
A book i have recently read is called Dinosaur Pox by Jeremy Strong.
This book is about a girl called jodie she doesnt like the way she looks she has short black hair and freckles.She has a fight with her family one night and in the morning she wakes up as a dinosaur.She goes to school but at break she gets suspended because she roars at the teacher .Mr Bolton(her dad) takes her to see a doctor ,he has never seen anything like that but he sees it as an opertunity to get famous he keeps her in the hospital.The bolton family go and visit her, Mark(her brother) feels sorry for Jodie and that night he helps her escape and they go to the old railway yard to hide the police try and find Jodie and while Mark is at the shops someone spots Jodie and phones the police.The police go to the railway yard and find Jodie but she barges out the shed picks Mark up puts him on her back and runs but the police catch her and take her back to Mr Pinker-Ton(the doctor).The next day Mr Pinker-Ton is going to show Jodie to the press and the news but what happens...
I liked this book because it was very exiting.My favorite event in this book is when Jodie bursts out the shed and runs away while the police were chasing her.
I think this book is suitable for the younger age group because it was easy to read and it is exciting.I think younger kids would enjoy it.
Shiver by Maggie Steifvater
Shiver is about a girl called Grace who got attacked by wolves 6 years ago. While being attacked one of the wolves stood infront of her and helped hr to safety . Since that day she has never forget the wolf's eyes , golden eyes. Later in the story grace finds out that the pack are actually werewolves and her wolf , the one with the golden eyes is called Sam Roth . Sam and Grace meet when Sam gets shot as a wolf and she helps him to hospital. They soon become a couple struggling to stop Sam from changing in the cold. Then a new wolf called jack starts to upset the balance between the wolves and the humans. Sam and Grace need to find out why .
I loved shiver as it intwines romance with action and horror in a way thats quite complicated. My favouite character is Sam . I don't know why he is , he just is. My favourite event is when Sam takes grace to a candy shop in Duluth.
I think this book is suitable for those over 13 as it contains swearing and things like that.Anyone who likesa romance with a twist is sure to like this book.I enjoyed this book alot and would definately read it again.
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