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Jacqueline Wilson was born in 1945 in Bath. She started her career as a journalist in Scotland and has gone on to sell more than 20 million books in the UK alone! She was made a Dame in the 2008 Honours List.
The Library has lots of her books, but they are usually out on loan …
Jacqueline Wilson was born in 1945 in Bath. She started her career as a journalist in Scotland and has gone on to sell more than 20 million books in the UK alone! She was made a Dame in the 2008 Honours List.
The Library has lots of her books, but they are usually out on loan …
My book is called Bed and Breakfast. It is about a girl called Tracy Beaker ,she lives with her mum. She tells you all about what she has for her breakfast. She also tells you about her mum and her friends, she tells you who she gets on with and who she doesn't get on with. This book was writen by Jaqueline Wilson.
If you read this book you will find a lot more about Tracy Beaker.
Hope you enjoy reading this book.
From Cassie Reid, 1yb/1p. 23/09/2009.
I would give this book 10/10 because it is amazing!!!!!
BOOK-Jacky Daydream
Rote by-Jacqueline Wilson
This book was a relly good book I relly like it. It is about a girl calld Tracy Beaker and told you all about her it started when she was a we baby. It told you all about her and her birthday's and chrismases and when she want into the childerns home.
My book is called best friends forever. It is about a girl called Tracy Beaker,and her best friend. He is called Crash, Crash is very kind to Tracy Beaker because he helps her when she is stuck. When Tracy Beaker got upset Crash would cheer her up.
I think that other people should because it was interesting.
By Cassandra Reid 1p6/1yb
My book is called Starring Tracy Beaker. She lives in a care home that she calles the dumping ground.She is desperate for a part in her school play (a christmas carol) then gets the main part as Scrooge. She gets into a fight with justine Littlewood and the role is taken off of her she manages to get it back and hopes her mum will show up but will she show up or leave tracy waiting?
This is a good book to read because it is very interseting and you won`t want to put it down.
from Ashley Smith 1YB/P6
I think that the SuitCase Kid was good. It was about a girl called Tracy Beacker and her parents. Her parents split up and Tracy does not no what parent to go to. She ends up doing a week with her mum then she does a week with her dad.
By Cassie Reid 1yb
A book i have recently read is called Buried Alive.This book was wrotten by Jacqueline Wilson.
It was about a girl named Kelly who was with her friend Tim and her dog Biscuits.They went to a beach near by her house but they were lying down for a sun tan,Tim buried Kelly for a joke and she fell asleep on the sand and then Tim buried her and she was sleeping so she didnt know any better, Tim then went in the water and went for the swim with the dog, when he came back he relised Kelly was buried alive.
This is a good book because its for all ages.
By Shannon Marshall
A book i have just read is called "KISS". It is about a girl who has been friends with a boy simce they were just little kids 2-3 years old). But now they are in
2nd year and they both go to diffrent school's! Luckily they both live right next too each other and they can still see each other! They play a game called "glassworld" and they use a hut wich they call the glasshut. Although sylvie is falling in love with the boy and wants to be his boyfriend! Will sylvie get the boy of her dreams?
I think girls should read this book because it has alot of girl things in it !
By Carley Hall.
The book is called Starring Tracy Beaker, it's about a girl that lives in a care home which she calls the dumping ground. She really wants a part in the school play called A Christmas Carol, then she gets the main part of Scrooge. She ends up in a fight with a girl called Justine Littlewood and she had the main part taken off her she manages to get the part back. Now she is hoping her mum will turn up.
This is an ok book but its for all ages i think. i would give it a 7/10
By Holly Duffy, 2P2, 7/6/10.
The book i have rencenly read is Midnight by Jccquline Wilson. It is about a girl called Violet who is ovsesed with fairy's and a fairy book author, Casper Dream. Her big brother Will has found out his big secret, showing his past.
I would give this book to a friend to read. I hope you will deside to read this book it is really good.
Samantha Murray 1P4.
I have just recently read a book called The mum minder by Jaqueline Wilson.
It was about a little girl who her mum is a babysitter and when her mum gets ill.
By Georgia McFadyen 1d/g
i have just read a book called starring tracey beaker.
it is about a little girl who lives in a foster home called the dumping ground.
it's a terrible thing to be lonely. Everyone needs someone to tell their secrets to. Treasure does. India does.
Treasure it's her real name:
Treasure's in a sticky situation. She lives with her Mum, and her Mum's boyfriend, Terry. But Terry is rough when he's drunk. He hits her with his belt.
Treasure's Nan takes her home to live with her in her council flat. There isn't much room, and there isn't much money, but Treasure is thrilled to be with her Nan.
India could do with a Nan like Treasure's Nan. Nobody hits India. Nobody even notices her. Her father is having trouble at work. Her mother is preoccupied, running a successful children's fashion business. And the au pair is a wet blanket.
When Treasure and India meet, quite by chance, they make friends immediately. But even with Nan on her side, Treasure is still in a sticky situation. Terry and her Mum want her back.
India is going to do all she can to help her new friend, and she comes up with a plan, based on her
I think you will love this story. It's sad and good at the same time, and it's quick to read, but that is mainly because you won't be able to put it down until you've finished it. Read it and see for yourself.
By Georgia mcfadyen 1p4 1 delta
I have rencenly read a book called the mum-minder by Jacqueline Wilson.
Sadie is nine and her mum is a child-minder. Her mum gets the flu so Sadie now has mind all the babies, her little sister and 2 todlers and 1 baby. Sadie has got to help her mum. and all the other mums help in and take the kids and Sadie to thier work.
The book is set out like a diray and is very good. If you want to find out what happens to sadie read this book!
By samantha murray
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