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Robert Swindells was born in 1939 in Bradford. He served in the RAF before becoming a teacher, until 1980 when he decided to write full-time. He has written very successful books for young adults that often deal with difficult issues, for example homelessness, nuclear weapons, and war. He won the Carnegie medal in 1993.
The Library has many of his books, including Brother in the Land, Room 13, Stone Cold, Invisible, and No Angels.
robet swindells
this book is about 5-6 kids who can make thier self invisible by walking backwards around a circle at school then a boy tells the head he saw roise conrad and carry
go invisible but he thought he was crazy daddy bear roises dad was acused of a crime because he was a gypsy
invisable by robert swindells
it was quite of an exciting book.it was about twins carrie and conrad and their friends peter and charlotte when a new girl at their school shows them how to turn invisable.they sneak around and listen into everyones conversations and much more things.
i think people age 10 to 15 would like this book.i think it would be great to go invisible.
i really enjoyed this book because it was exciting and cool.
By Scott G
Timesnatch Robert Swindells
Timesnatch is about a physician called Harper Rye. She creates an invvention that takes things from the past and brings them to the present. She only wants to take extinct animals from the past, but some people want it to be used for other things. The M.o.D, Ministry of Defence wants to use it as a weapon, Nazi finatics want to bring back Hitler, the Vulcan Pan fan club wants to bring Vulcan Pan back to life, an old man wants to bring his wife back and some people called the friends of the Tyrannasauris Rex want to build a theme park with real dinasaurs in it. In the end, the Hitler finatics brak into the house to force Harper Rye to use her invention and she has to send it and all the documents and blueprints back a couple of thousand years into an active volcanoe wich coincidently erupts round about that time.
this book is about 5-6 kids who can make thier self invisible by walking backwards around a circle at school then a boy tells the head he saw roise conrad and carry
go invisible but he thought he was crazy daddy bear roises dad was acused of a crime
by ConaLL kerr
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